This class was created by Brainscape user Лили Ауси. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (46)

Composition Of The Blood
What does the blood contain,
What is the percentage of cells p...,
What is the presentage of plasma ...
14  cards
General Functions Of The Blood
What are the general functions of...,
What does the blood transport,
What cell is responsible for bloo...
4  cards
Plasma Proteins
What is the total plasma protests...,
What are the types of plasma prot...,
What is the amount of albumin
9  cards
Functions Of Plasma Proteins
What are the functions of plasma ...
1  cards
The Red Blood Corpuscles
What is the main function of the ...,
What determines the blood group,
What do rbc allow
5  cards
What are the two parts of hemoglobin,
What are the types of hemoglobin,
What is hemoglobin a
8  cards
Factors Affecting Erythropoiesis
What are the factors affecting er...,
What should the diet contain for ...
2  cards
What is anemia,
What are the etiological classifi...,
What is hemorrhagic anemia
9  cards
Blood Indices
What is mean corpuscular volume mcv,
What is the normal range of mcv,
What are rbcs with mcv above 100 ...
10  cards
Morphological Classification Of Anemias
What are morphological classifica...,
What is normocytic normochromic a...,
What is cause of the normocytic n...
7  cards
Blood Groups
What does the surface of rbc contain,
What does the plasma contain,
Antigen a antibodies b
10  cards
Rh Factor
What is the most common antigen,
Presence of antigen d,
What is the significance of rh fa...
5  cards
Blood Transfusion
Conditions when blood transfusion...,
What are the precautions before b...,
What are the effects of incompati...
3  cards
What is hemostasis,
What does hemostasis include,
What is vascular spasm vasoconstr...
16  cards
White Blood Cells
What is the leucocytic count,
What are the two types of wbc,
What are the examples of agranula...
6  cards
What are the types of immunity,
What is innate immunity,
What does innate immunity include
14  cards
The Heart
What is the heart composed of,
What are the two separate heart p...,
What are the two types of tissue ...
3  cards
Cardiac Muscle
What does cardiac muscle have,
What is the rmp of normal cardiac...,
What is the rmp in cardiac muscle...
7  cards
Nodal And Junctional Tissue Of The Heart
What is the nodal tissue,
Why is the nodal tissue the pacem...,
What are the two types of nodal t...
14  cards
Regulation Of The Heart By The Autonomic Nervous System
What are the two stimulations tha...,
What is the effect of sympathetic...,
What is the effect of parasympath...
3  cards
What is ecg,
The p ware is caused by what
5  cards
Cardiac Cycle
What is systole,
What is diastole,
What is the duration of cardiac c...
3  cards
Heart Sounds
During each cardinal cycle how ma...,
What is the first sound caused by,
What is the second sound caused by
6  cards
Cardiac Output
What is cardiac output cop,
What is the equation for cardiac ...,
What is stroke volume
12  cards
Arterial Blood Pressure
What is arterial blood pressure,
What is systolic blood pressure,
What is normal range for sbp
9  cards
Respiratory System
What is the air passage,
How many times does the airways d...,
What do the first 16 divisions form
4  cards
Mechanics Of Respiration
What is inspiration,
What is the result of the diaphra...,
When does the contraction in expi...
6  cards
Pulmonary Volumes And Capacities
What is pulmonary volumes and cap...,
What does static lung volumes inc...,
What is tidal volume
12  cards
Dynamic Pulmonary Function Test
What is respiratory minute volume...,
What does respiration include,
What is ventilation
5  cards
O2 Transport By The Blood And Dissociation Curve
O2 is carried in the blood in wha...,
How is o2 carried in physical sol...,
How is o2 carried in chemical form
10  cards
What is surfactant,
What do surfactants prevent
2  cards
Renal System
What are the functions of the kidney,
What does homeostatic function in...,
What is filtration
7  cards
Juxtaglomerular Apparatus
What does the juxtaglomerular app...,
What do,
What are macula densa cells
6  cards
Glomerular Filtration
What is glomerular filtration,
What is glomerular filtration rate
2  cards
Functions Of Renal Tubules
What are the two types of tubules,
What is pct responsible for,
What is loop of henle consists of
9  cards
Renal Handling Of Glucose
Glucose is completely absorbed where,
What are the ways glucose is bein...,
What is used in the secondary act...
8  cards
Co2 Transport By The Blood
In what ways is the carbon dioxid...,
In what form is carbon dioxide tr...
2  cards
Endocrine System
Define endocrine glands,
What is the difference between en...,
What are the three classes that t...
21  cards
Thyroid Gland
What secretes thyroxine,
What secretes calcitonin,
What are the function of thyroid ...
8  cards
Adrenal Glands
How many adrenal glands,
What are the two tissues each adr...,
What hormones does inner medulla ...
12  cards
Pancreatic Islets
What are the 4 types of cells in ...,
What is the action of insulin on ...,
What is the action of insulin on ...
4  cards
Parathyroid Glands
What do parathyroid glands secrete,
What is the action of pth,
How does pth increase the plasma ca2
4  cards
Reproductive System
What are gonads,
What is the 2 functions of gonads
2  cards
Male Reproductive System
What are the two specialized type...,
What are seminiferous tubules,
What are the two type of cells in...
18  cards
Female Reproductive System
What is the sex cycles in female,
What is menarche,
What is thelarche
25  cards
Central Nervous System
The nervous system consists of what,
The nervous system is subdivided ...,
What is the cns consisting of
13  cards

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physiology il

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