This class was created by Brainscape user Megan Espie. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

4. BLS
Definition of infant and child,
What is the main origin of cardio...,
What is the most common arrhythmi...
17  cards
1. Intro and theory
What are the differences between ...,
What are the most common arrhythm...,
What are airway differences betwe...
10  cards
2. A-E of unwell child
What does it tell you if a child ...,
What is choanal atresia,
List causes of airway obstruction...
33  cards
6. Circulation and drugs
What is the best route of access ...,
Where should an io cannula be ins...,
What are potential complications ...
12  cards
3. Airway management and ventilation
How do you recognise airway obstr...,
What is the suction pressure that...,
Where should you measure guedel
10  cards
7. Rhythm recognition
Give examples of acquired cardiac...,
What is the average heart rate up...,
What is the average heart rate up...
21  cards
8. Defibrillation and cardioversion
What is the goal of depolarisation,
What factors determine thoracic i...,
Where should chest pads for shock...
9  cards
5. Pre-hospital care
What acronym is used for the asse...,
How should the drowning child be ...,
What is the definition of hypothe...
6  cards
9. Management of cardioresp arrest
What mnemonic is used to manage a...,
How do you assess the second s st...,
Talk through a paeds sssabc appro...
14  cards
10. Post resuscitation care
What is the aim of post resuscita...,
What are possible complications a...,
In post resus state what urine ou...
6  cards
11. NTS in resus
Practice saying the steps of an s...
1  cards

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