This class was created by Brainscape user Adree Nadine. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

(FE) General Principles of Antimicrobials
What is the difference between pa...,
What are the common pathogens,
What are the 2 mechanisms that pa...
15  cards
(FE) Antimicrobials
What are the differences between ...,
What are the classes moa of antim...,
What is the moa of beta lactams
36  cards
(FE) Drugs for Pain Management
What is nociception,
What are the main types of analge...,
How is pain felt
24  cards
(FE) Drugs for Bone Infx
What are the types of drugs used ...,
What is the moa of bisphosphonates,
What are the adverse effects of b...
16  cards
What is the anatomical landmark f...,
What is the anatomical landmark o...,
How does normal gait look like
57  cards
(FE) Drugs for Gout and Osteoarthritis
What drugs are used to treat acut...,
What drugs are used to treat hype...,
How does nsaids work to treat gout
23  cards
(FE) Renal Disorders
What is acute kidney injury,
What are the risk factors for aki,
What are the 3 types causes of aki
46  cards
(FE) Drugs for Renal Conditions
What are the common nephrotoxic d...,
What are the drugs to avoid in aki,
What are the s s or complications...
11  cards
(FE) Drugs for Skin & Soft Tissue Infx
What are the drugs used for skin ...,
What drugs are used to treat cell...,
What drugs are used to treat decu...
8  cards
Common Manifestations of GI Disorders
What are the common manifestation...,
What are the 3 main mechanisms of...,
How does neuromuscular incoordina...
19  cards
What is pud,
What is the pathophysiology of pud,
What are the signs and symptoms o...
42  cards
Drugs Used In Liver Diseases
What are the drugs to treat chole...,
What are the adverse effects of c...,
What happens in chronic cholecyst...
10  cards
What is the difference acute and ...,
What are the 7 major targets for ...,
What is the pp of n v
26  cards
Laxatives And Anti-diarrheals
What are the 7 major groups of dr...,
What is a bulk forming agent drug...,
What are the main concerns of bul...
32  cards
Anti-ulcer Agents
What are the main groups of anti ...,
What are the agents that reduce g...,
What are the mucosal protective a...
22  cards
N v
6  cards

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