This class was created by Brainscape user Jasper Chan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Lecture 1 - Non-associative Changes in Behavior
What is cartesian dualism,
Descartes believed in nativism wh...,
What did the british philosopher ...
33  cards
Lecture 2 - Classical Conditioning Basics
The first time that sand was plac...,
What is object learning,
What is us
18  cards
Lecture 3 - Classical Conditioning Training Procedures
What are the 5 common classical c...,
What represents a single conditio...,
What is the intertrial interval
12  cards
Lecture 4 - Variables that Influence Effectiveness of Conditioning and Higher Order Conditioning
What variables influence the effe...,
What is the effect of the novelty...,
What is the effect of the novelty...
17  cards
Lecture 5 - Theories of Associative Learning
What is the bush mosteller 1995 e...,
Bush mosteller 1995 error correct...,
What is the rescorla wagner modif...
13  cards
Lecture 6 - Instrumental conditioning basics
What is instrumental behaviour,
What was thorndike s law of effect,
Modern approaches to the study of...
27  cards
Lecture 7 - Variables that influence the effectiveness of conditioning and choice behavior
What is a schedule of reinforcement,
What is it called when every resp...,
Simple schedules of intermittent ...
25  cards
Lecture 8 - Motivational mechanisms
What is the two process theory,
How could we test the idea that a...,
How can the existence of r o asso...
12  cards
Lecture 9 - Stimulus Control
What is stimulus discrimination,
What is stimulus generalisation,
What is a stimulus generalization...
18  cards
Lecture 10 - Extinction and Interference
What are the two basic behavioral...,
What is the emotional reaction in...,
What are some forms of recovery f...
31  cards
Lecture 11 - Punishment and Avoidance
What is the difference between av...,
What is the difference between ac...,
What is the difference between av...
28  cards

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pl3248 learning and memory

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