This class was created by Brainscape user M A. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: M A

Decks in this class (92)

Vc in all patients with distal an...,
Percentages of chordee in hypospa...,
Is vc present at birth normally 3
45  cards
Craniofacial Microsomia
The second most congenital anomal...,
Craniofacial macrosomia arise fro...,
How many phases for craniofacial ...
41  cards
The lower pole of the breast can 1,
Symmastia occurs more in subgland...,
Different types of selecon ruptur...
212  cards
The transverse retinacular ligame...,
The most important pulley in the ...,
Most hand infections are severe 3
303  cards
What are the risk factor for seco...,
What associated features that man...,
Clinicians must also consider tha...
395  cards
Symmastia occures in submascular ...,
The pectoralis major s inferior a...,
Silicone implants are considered ...
13  cards
Lip and Palat
The critical period for cleft lip...,
The critique of the veau classifi...,
Complete orbicularis oris muscle ...
122  cards
Congenital Melanocytic Nevi and Other Common Skin Lesions
The malignant potential of melano...,
Acquired nevi are often located a...,
Dermal nevi have no malignant pot...
71  cards
Nonsurgical Facial Rejuvenation and Skin Resurfacing
Prolonged erythema and hyp opigme...,
Pretreatment with tretinoin or hy...,
Fractionated lasers are designed ...
531  cards
Filler And Botox
Liquid silicon is relatively safe...,
Demonstrated a posterior and infe...,
Anterograde injection associated ...
88  cards
Fat Grafting in Plastic Surgery
The less manipulation of the fat ...,
Fat grafting into the breast foll...,
The most widely used reconstructi...
22  cards
An isolated upper blepharoplasty ...,
Fashion it may be more desirable ...,
The temporal branch of the facial...
109  cards
Body Contouring
Most of the complications after b...,
Massive weight joss mwl commonly ...,
Mwl patients have an almost three...
67  cards
Posterior and lateral chest wall ...,
Bioprosthetic mesh should be used...,
Spinal instrumentation should be ...
209  cards
Vascular Anomalies
Vascular malformations are presen...,
Sclerotherapy is one potential in...,
Hemangiomas are the most common t...
68  cards
The pectoralis muscle is a fan sh...,
Blood supply of the pectoralis ma...,
The thoracoacromial artery divide...
484  cards
Craniosynostosis and Deformational Plagiocephaly
Differentiation between positiona...,
What is the suitable time for sur...,
Complications in craniosynostosis...
131  cards
Craniofacial Microsomia
Craniofacial microsomia this is t...,
Abnormality of structures arises ...,
What differents between obwegeser...
110  cards
Craniofacial Clefts and Orbital Hypertelorism
Definitive surgical intervention ...,
Orbital hypertelorism is type of ...,
Facial clefts are numbered o to 7...
107  cards
Ear Reconstruction
Ear molding should be in the firs...,
Blood supply to the ear 2,
The sensory supply to the auricle 3
92  cards
Management of Velopharyngeal Dysfunction
Sphincter pharyngoplasty closed t...,
The incidence of vpd in patients ...,
Cause of velopharyngeal incompete...
72  cards
Craniofacial Tumors and Conditions
Fibrous dysplasia is a benign ano...,
What is the most common craniofac...,
The percentage of skull involveme...
127  cards
Facial Fractures and Soft Tissue Injuries
The early examination of the opti...,
What are the surgical emergencies...,
The percentage of patients whom h...
114  cards
Head and Neck Cancer and Salivary Gland Tumors
About 80 ofsalivary gland tumors ...,
Only about l occur in the subling...,
About 80 of parotid gland tumors ...
25  cards
Reconstruction of the Scalp, Forehead, Calvarium, Skull Base, and Midface
How many regional flaps are in th...,
The blood supply of the forehead ...,
The sensory nerves 3
63  cards
Reconstruction of the Eyelids, Correction of Ptosis, and Canthoplasty
The asians this lid crease can be...,
The highest point of the upper li...,
Lateral canthus is positioned 2 m...
190  cards
Nasal Reconstruction
The subunit concept is critical t...,
Bilobed flaps are used on tip and...,
Forehead flap is the workhouse fo...
86  cards
Reconstruction of Acquired Lip and Cheek Deformities
Three considerations are essentia...,
The normal intercommissural dista...,
Oral commissures end at the media...
139  cards
Facial Paralysis
In traumatic iatrogenic cases of ...,
Local muscle transfers reliably i...,
In local muscle transfers the abi...
132  cards
Mandibular reconstruction
Rigid fixation of bone grafts bot...,
Delay reconstruction until the so...,
Postoncoiogic reconstruction must 3
57  cards
Wound Healing and Management of Chronic Wounds
Platelets play are the chief effe...,
Platelet release several growth f...,
Microphage are also responsible 3
45  cards
Management of Scars
Keloids rarely spontaneously regr...,
Keloids familial predisposition 2,
Tgf beta excess contributes to fi...
30  cards
Principles of Flap Design and Application
He blood supply in a cutaneous fl...,
Muscle and fasciocutaneous flaps ...,
Important to dissect the perforat...
18  cards
Principles of Microsurgery
There is no difference in patency...,
Routine use of antithrombotic age...,
Routine use of antithrombotic age...
55  cards
Concepts of Skin Grafts and Skin Substitutes
Split thickness skingrafts whenco...,
Skin grafts heal by a process of ...,
Eventual reepithelialization over...
65  cards
Principle of flap
Types ii and iv particularly 1,
Sartorius upper arm are type c fa...,
The propeller flap is an island 3
34  cards
Principles of Nerve Repair
The perineurium serves to bundle ...,
Wallerian degeneration process be...,
Wallerian degeneration halts at 3
44  cards
Tissue expander
Epidermal layer becomes thinner w...,
Growth factors such as platelet d...,
Mechanical creep relies on the sk...
38  cards
Principles of Procedural Sedation and Local and Regional Anesthesia
Once inside the cell they inhibit...,
Esters are metabolized by hydroly...,
True allergic reaction to local a...
34  cards
Skin Care and Benign and Malignant Dermatologic Conditions
Uv radiation has been 1,
Skin cancer has the highest 2,
Hair follicles sebaceous glands 3
94  cards
Thermal, Chemical, and Electrical Injuries
Initially burn depth is based on ...,
Cellular and matrix proteins are ...,
Appropriate resuscitation and loc...
153  cards
Principles of Burn Reconstruction
Minor burn contractures can be tr...,
Advances in microsurgical techniq...,
Hypertrophic scarring is a major ...
139  cards
Radiation Injury
Late toxicity is permanent occurr...,
Brachytherapy utilizing radium 2,
The cobalt 60 unit skin sparing c...
25  cards
Laser in plastic
Laser therapy for hypertrophic bu...,
Photothermal events represent the...,
Photomechanical reactions result ...
66  cards
Functional Anatomy HAND
This relative shortening of the 1,
The primary stability of the dist...,
The bony configuration of the sig...
67  cards
Hand infection
Patients who use tobacco should b...,
The location of wounds can influe...,
Signs of progressing infection 3
59  cards
Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Upper Extremity and Management of Fingertip and Nail Bed Injuries
A functional hand should possess ...,
An acceptable hand consists of a ...,
Prolonged application of npwt can...
75  cards
Compression Neuropathies
There is no single decompression ...,
Recovery of index and thumb flexi...,
Initial symptoms of nerve compres...
88  cards
Nerve Transfers
Major indications for nerve trans...,
The timeline of muscle atrophy mu...,
Types of nerve transfers 3
73  cards
Brachial Plexus Injuries
Surgery is undertaken for closed ...,
Fibrosis of the neuromuscular jun...,
The time elapsed since trauma is ...
100  cards
Hand Fractures
Metacarpal fractures typically as...,
Rotational deformity may 2,
5 of metacarpal rotation leads to...
76  cards
The scaphoid accounts for 60 to 7...,
Their incidence occurs in men bet...,
75 to 80 of scaphoid fractures oc...
33  cards
Flexor Tendon
The distal tendon insertions dete...,
The fds and fdp tendons within th...,
Well developed vincular system wh...
59  cards
Extensor Tendon Repair
The mainstay of rehabilitation at...,
Early motion protocols have shown...,
Extensors exhibit minimal excursi...
106  cards
Lateral epicondylitis results fro...,
Medial epicondylitis affects the ...,
Conservative management is the ma...
92  cards
Tendon Transfers
When possible protective sensatio...,
The timing of late tendon transfe...,
Nerve regeneration rate of 3
91  cards
Ligament Injuries of the Hand
If a proximal interphalangeal pip...,
Hemihamate arthroplasty indicatio...,
Pipj injuries are common and fall...
110  cards
Management of Mutilating Upper Extremity Injuries
Criteria for considering amputati...,
Mangled extremity severity score ...,
Should not place the amputated pa...
33  cards
Replantation Strategies
Postoperative anticoagulation and...,
Any patient with any level of amp...,
Absolute indications 3
116  cards
Thumb Reconstruction
The minimum length for acceptable...,
Selection ofsensate flaps is esse...,
Position ofthe thumb axis 3
104  cards
Dupuytren Disease
Moreaggressive invasive treatment...,
There is no cure for this chronic...,
Most prevalent in persons of cauc...
89  cards
Hand Tumors
Epidermal inclusion cysts in the ...,
Most ganglions can be managed con...,
Majority oftumors that arise in t...
92  cards
Treatment of Vascular Disorders of the Hand
Angiography is the standard study...,
The ulnar lies deep to the flexor...,
Because of the distal muscle bell...
84  cards
Comprehensive Management of the Burned Hand
Fat grafting for chronic pain and...,
The surgeon should proceed direct...,
Areas that must be released 3
40  cards
Compartment Syndrome
The diagnosis ofcompartment syndr...,
Compartment pressure greater than...,
Fasciotomy in a timely manner is ...
84  cards
Common Congenital Hand Anomalies
Congenital hand anomalies can be ...,
Ulnar polydactyly is common in af...,
Patients with camptodactyly or cl...
183  cards
Upper Limb Amputations
Ray amputation can give better re...,
Length and position are more impo...,
Ifthe amputation is through the m...
12  cards
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Radiographic changes of the hand ...,
V upper extremity complaints are ...,
Disease severity is commonly link...
59  cards
Forehead and Brow Rejuvenation
An isolated upper blepharoplasty ...,
It has also been noted that saggi...,
The intersection of a vertical li...
52  cards
Complications following upper lid...,
The lateral canthus may become la...,
The goal of blepharoplasty is to 3
111  cards
Facelift and Necklift
Facial skeleton work is limited i...,
Facelifting techniques have littl...,
Retaining ligaments are landmarks...
121  cards
Rh i noplasty
Skin thicker over the upper and l...,
The nasal veins do not have valves 2,
The nasal venous system has direc...
64  cards
Most otoplasty procedures are bes...,
Simple otoplasty techniques are c...,
About 50 of newborns have an auri...
99  cards
Facial Skeletal Augmentation With Implants and Osseous Genioplasty
The subcutanouse plane is typical...,
Incisions should be planned away ...,
Rigid fixation minimizes the risk...
89  cards
Plastic Surgery After Massive Weight Loss
Massive weight joss mwl commonly ...,
Weight loss by pharmacologic meth...,
Complications from body 3
13  cards
Liposuction, Abdominoplasty, and Belt Lipectomy
Liposuction should not be offered...,
Patients should be within 30 or t...,
Women typically have a gynoid pat...
139  cards
Lower Body Lift and Thighplasty
The lower body lift does address ...,
The lower trunk and thighs can be...,
Medial thighs where a 3
49  cards
Brachioplasty and Upper Trunk Contouring
Brachioplasty the most common tec...,
Upper body contouring includes re...,
The maximum body mass index 3
89  cards
Augmentation Mammoplasty, Mastopexy, and Mastopexy-Augmentation
The primary goal of breast augmen...,
Mastopexy augmentation can be per...,
The main goal of ba is to increas...
113  cards
Breast Reduction
The breast is a subcutaneous stru...,
The primary blood supplyoriginate...,
The superior pedicle approach rel...
42  cards
Causes of neonatal mastauxe 1,
A small breast bud of l to 2 cm is 2,
As maternal estrogen levels fall ...
63  cards
Breast cancer
Indications for postmastectomy ra...,
Suitable cases for nipplesparing ...,
There was an increasing the propo...
31  cards
Breast Reconstruction
Best candidates for immediate and...,
Acellular dermal matrix useful ad...,
Risk factors for complications in...
70  cards
Breast Reconstruction: Autologous Flap Techniques
Clinical exam remains the standar...,
Using autologous tissue one may o...,
Autologous tissue is generally pr...
77  cards
Reconstruction of the Nipple-Areolar Complex
Nonsurgical options are also avai...,
Segment of the the contralateral ...,
This technique is most effective 3
35  cards
Congenital Anomalies of the Breast:
Pediatric breast disorders may be...,
Key moves in the correction of tu...,
The breast is a modified apocrine...
168  cards
Reconstruction of the Chest, Sternum, and Posterior Trunk
Anterior and lateral chest wall d...,
Posterior defects and resections ...,
Bioprosthetic mesh should be used...
144  cards
Abdominal Wall Reconstruction
Hernia mesh reduces hernia recurr...,
Lightweight meshes and macroporou...,
As small bites 5 mm apart 3
58  cards
Lower Extremity, Foot, and Ankle Reconstruction
The external iliac artery and its...,
The external iliac artery becomin...,
The superficial femoral 3
133  cards
Perineal Reconstruction
Support of pelvic contents and ob...,
The anterior triangle contains th...,
The deep fascia is contiguous to ...
101  cards
Pressure Sore
Bed sores or decubitus ulcers 1,
The risk is even more pronounced ...,
No known direct evidence 3
40  cards
Nonsurgical Facial Rejuvenation and Skin Resurfacing
Treatment of skin wrinkles requir...,
The precision and outcomes ofchem...,
The epidermis is principally resp...
125  cards

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Plastic Surgery( Grabb)Ali jasim

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