This class was created by Brainscape user Hayden Roberts. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Advanced Life Support
What are the new energy selection...,
Where in the heart does vf and pv...,
When should you give amiodarone i...
31  cards
What does sepsis cause in the body,
What are the 3 different response...,
What is the host immune response
21  cards
Neurological assessment and management
What are the layers of the skull,
What are some common stroke mimics,
What is functional neurological d...
49  cards
Pelvic Management
What are the complications of pel...,
What are the 4 main points of sta...,
When in primary survey do you do ...
11  cards
MSK Trauma
What are the functions of the bone,
What are the composition of bones,
What are muscle cells called
20  cards
Traumatic brain injury
What is a primary injury vs secon...,
What is the distribution of the s...,
What are early signs of a raised icp
10  cards
Spinal Cord Injury
How many spinal nerves are there,
What are some symptoms of seconda...,
What are the 4 spinal injury levels
24  cards
Obstetrics emergencies
Why is there a risk of pregnancy ...,
Red flags for pregnant patients t...,
What are the changes in the cardi...
25  cards
Initial Assessment and Management in Traumatic Injuries
Learn Acronyms
17  cards
Abdominal Assessment
What are some red flags of s in s...,
What are some red flags of o in s...,
What are some red flags of c in s...
22  cards
Cardio-respiratory examination
How can you find a raised jvp,
What does jaccol stand for,
What is tactile fremitus
9  cards
Needle thoracentesis and needle cricothyroidotomy
What are the clinical features of...,
What are the steps to a needle ch...,
Why is a needle chest decompressi...
7  cards
Intravenous Cannulation
What are the 7 gauges and colour ...,
2  cards

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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