This class was created by Brainscape user Emma Tedman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Defining Power
What is an inducement in the cont...,
What is persuasion in the context...,
What is coercion in the context o...
7  cards
Distribution of Power
What is people power,
How is power negative,
How can power be positive
4  cards
Authority and Legitimacy
What is authority,
What is legitimacy of power,
What is charismatic authority
7  cards
Defining Politics
Define politics,
Define political agenda
2  cards
The Common Good
Define the common good,
Why is the common good more compl...,
What is the individualist perspec...
7  cards
Defining States
What is the definition of state,
Define government,
Define sovereignty
5  cards
Defining Nations
Define nation,
Define nation state,
Define nationalism
8  cards
Define citizenship
1  cards
Define globalization,
Describe economic globalization,
Describe the risks of economic gl...
6  cards
Political Ideaologies
Define a political ideaology,
What ideological perspectives are...,
What ideological perspectives
40  cards
Define feminism,
What does feminism involve,
Define patriarchy
11  cards
What is the basic idea of enviorm...,
What are the basic ideas behind e...,
Define anthropocentrism
19  cards
Define populism,
What are the main ideas of populism,
What is an example of populism in...
10  cards
interest groups, social movments and medi communications
Define an interest group,
What is main objective of most in...,
What were the three groups that e...
48  cards
Political Conflict
Define political conflict,
Define political protest,
Define civil disobedience
35  cards

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pol 100

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