political economy

This class was created by Brainscape user j k. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: j k

Decks in this class (11)

The ‘big push’ theory
Topic 3: Conventional theories of economic development
9  cards
Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs)
Explain what the Randomised Control Trials (RCTs) are and critically discuss their critiques.
6  cards
Rostow’s 5 stages of development
Part a) Critically discuss Rostow’s five different stages of development. (13.4 Marks)
7  cards
Critically analyse whether de-industrialisation is a positive or negative development. (20 Marks)
8  cards
Lewis model
Critically discuss the Lewis model. Which are the model’s key assumptions and how do the conclusions of the model change when these assumptions do not hold? 33.4 Marks
5  cards
Dependency theory of development
Explain the dependency theory of development and critically discuss the key critiques that have been made to this theory. 33.4 Marks
4  cards
Celso Furtado - Underdevelopment
Critically discuss Celso Furtado’s approach to underdevelopment. 33.4 Marks
8  cards
Effects of climate change on global economic performance and financial stability:
Discuss the potential effects of climate change on global economic performance and financial stability. 33.4 Marks
8  cards
Risks for the Global Financial System Stemming from Economic Damages of Climate Change and Transition to a Low-carbon Economy
Discuss the risks for the global financial system that might stem from the economic damages of climate change and the transition to a low-carbon economy. 33.4 Marks
5  cards
National Responsilibity and European Green Deal
Part a) Critically discuss which countries might have a national responsibility for climate breakdown. (20 Marks) Part b) Explain to what extent the European Green Deal has taken into account issues of climate justice. (13.4 Marks) Total 33.4 Marks
14  cards
Carbon tax v cap-and-trade
Explain the key differences between the carbon tax and the cap-and-trade system. 33.4 Marks
6  cards

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political economy

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