politics paper 1

This class was created by Brainscape user Dixie Watt. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

1- participation
What was the result of the 2019 g...,
What of the vote did labour and c...,
What of the vote did labour and c...
13  cards
1.2- wider franchise and debates over suffrage
What was the case that ruled the ...,
What of people said they were aga...,
How many prisoners are in the uk ...
17  cards
1.3- think tanks and lobbyists
Which think tank was influential ...,
What think tank was influencial u...,
What think tank helped to form li...
8  cards
1.3- pressure groups
Give an example of when a pressur...,
What are the types of pressure gr...,
Give an example of a successful s...
19  cards
1.4- rights in context
How were rights protected prior t...,
What was the magna carta date pur...,
What was the bill of rights data ...
21  cards
2.1- party funding
Give an example of corruption in ...,
What are the arguments for state ...
17  cards
2.2- the conservative party
How did the conservative party st...,
How did one nation conservatism d...,
What were the characteristics of ...
24  cards
2.2- labour party
What was the ideological starting...,
What was a key feature of the ini...,
When did labour become significant
24  cards
2.2- lib dems
How did the liberal democrat part...,
What policies characterised 20th ...,
When did the liberal party begin ...
12  cards
2.3- emerging and minor political parties
When was the snp created,
What defined the early snp,
Why was 1997 and 1
27  cards
3.2- referendums
What was the result and turnout o...,
What was spending in the 2016 eu ...,
What of mps supported remain
17  cards
3.1, 3.3- electoral systems
Give an example of when a minorit...,
Compare the 2019 and 2021 results...,
What percentage of seats are safe...
29  cards
4.1-voter behavior
In the 1997 general election what...,
What percent of black voters vote...,
What of 18 24 year olds voted lab...
27  cards
4.2-influence of the media
What are the arguments that the p...,
Arguments that the press is insig...,
How has the circulation of daily ...
25  cards

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politics paper 1

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