politics - unit 2 - political parties

This class was created by Brainscape user Simon C. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Types of political systems
Examples of uk mainstream parties,
What is a nationalist party,
What is a single issue party exam...
41  cards
What are the key points of socialism,
What are the key features of libe...,
Key features of conservatism
4  cards
The Conservative Party
Origins of conservative party,
How long did the conservative par...,
What were one nation tories commi...
18  cards
The Labour Party
In 1900 what percentage of the la...,
What happened in 1918 which gave ...,
What was the most important part ...
19  cards
The Liberal Party
When were the lib dems formed and...,
Who were the gang of four,
How did the gang of four come to be
19  cards
Mock quick fact Revision
What was the green party original...,
What is the history of the 1832 g...,
What 5 roles do political parties...
32  cards
General Flashcards on Political Parties
How many people voted in a genera...,
What did iain duncan smith do in ...,
Under the fresh future programme ...
93  cards
Party Organisation
Where are members from the labour...,
What is the role of local branche...,
What is the role of the clp 3
20  cards
Selecting Parliamentary Candidates
What is the similar 3 stage proce...,
Where do those in the conservativ...,
How do people in a constituency v...
15  cards
Choosing Party Leaders
From what year was the selection ...,
What was the two stage process of...,
Why was the selection process of ...
15  cards
Party Funding
What do all main parties receive ...,
Until the 1990s where did the par...,
What has the decline in political...
24  cards
The rise of minor parties in elections
Give 3 examples of single issue p...,
In the 1999 european elections wh...,
How many meps did the green party...
32  cards
EXTRA-Political Parties and their need
For how long have political parti...,
What is the main feature which di...,
What are the 6 functions of polit...
10  cards
EXTRA-Left and Right
Who described ideology as a theor...,
What did budge et al in 2005 desc...,
In the end of history what did fu...
7  cards
What did the labour party derive ...,
Who were the two groups among the...,
What did supporters of the ilp want
20  cards
In the early 19th century what we...,
Why were conservatives in the ear...,
How many years were the conservat...
12  cards
EXTRA-British third and minor parties
What is an example of a minor par...,
What are the 4 roles of third and...,
What is an example of a third or ...
16  cards
What of the uk population were me...,
Who described political party fun...,
What did jesse unruh describe pol...
29  cards
EXTRA-Party Organisation/Parliamentary Candidates/transnational groups
What does the central office control,
What is plebiscitary democracy,
What does clp stand for
44  cards
Extra-Party leaders
How was the leadership of the bri...,
What is the 1922 committee,
What two examples suggest that pm...
32  cards
EXTRA-Why have traditional parties lost their support
What are the 4 reasons why tradit...,
Why have traditional parties lost...,
Why have traditional parties lost...
13  cards

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politics - unit 2 - political parties

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