poltics paper 3

This class was created by Brainscape user Dixie Watt. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

1.1, 1.2- nature and features of the constitution
How many times has the constituti...,
What is needed to pass a constitu...,
What are the benefits of a diffic...
14  cards
1.3 - federalism
What is dual federalism,
Explain the supreme court case dr...,
How did the 14th amendment change...
17  cards
2.1- the structure of congress
Number of congress persons who id...,
What of the senate are over 58,
What persentage of congress are c...
5  cards
2.2- functions of congress
Give an example of a committee th...,
Give an example of an ineffective...,
Give an example of an act that co...
20  cards
3.1, 3.2 - formal and informal sources of the presidents power
What part of the constitution out...,
What powers are outlined in artic...,
What presidential power is in art...
9  cards
3.3- the presidency
Give examples of when the preside...,
Give 2 presidents who went agains...,
What sc case established the pres...
21  cards
4.1, 4.2, 4.3- the supreme court
What was the case that extended t...,
What was the case that created ju...,
What are characteristics that sec...
28  cards
4.4, 4.5, 4.6- civil rights
What rights are protected by the ...,
What rights are protected by the ...,
What does the 15th and 19th amend...
28  cards
5.1- the electoral system
By how many votes did hilary clin...,
How much funding did joe biden ra...,
Give evidence to support the idea...
24  cards
5.2- the republican party
How did the republican party begin,
When did the republican party sta...,
How did 2013 create a breading gr...
20  cards
5.2- the democrat party
What was the initial position of ...,
How did woodrow wilson change the...,
What are key policies on the demo...
11  cards
5.2- funding of political parties
What are pac s,
What is the maximum a pac can giv...,
What is the purpose of a superpac
16  cards
5.3- interest groups
Why might it be argued that the p...,
Give an example of an important g...,
How was the naacp important in up...
10  cards
the 2020 election
What was the total election spend...,
What characterised bernie sanders...,
How much did bernie sanders raise...
5  cards
5.2.3- voter behavior in the US
In 2008 what of john macains vote...,
In 1996 what of african american ...,
In 2012 what of the hispanic vote...
14  cards

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poltics paper 3

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