powerplant writtens

This class was created by Brainscape user yousef ahmed. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Engine Electrical Systems
What device is used to convert al...,
A certain direct current series m...,
The stationary field strength in ...
70  cards
Reciprocating Engines
Which statement is true regarding...,
A condition that can occur in rad...,
Which condition would be the leas...
108  cards
Explanations: Reciprocating Engines
What type of reciprocating engine...,
What is an axial load,
What is a radial load
20  cards
Turbine Engines
At what point in an axial flow en...,
One function of the nozzle diaphr...,
What is the profile of a turbine ...
105  cards
Lubrication Systems
What will be the result of operat...,
1 gas turbine and reciprocating e...,
An oil separator is generally ass...
92  cards
Induction and Engine Airflow Systems
A method commonly used to prevent...,
Carburetor icing is most severe a...,
Into what part of a reciprocating...
44  cards
Fuel Metering Systems
What factor is not used in the op...,
In order to stabilize cams spring...,
When trimming a turbine engine th...
98  cards
Engine Fuel Systems
During what period does the fuel ...,
Which of the following statements...,
Where is the engine fuel shutoff ...
40  cards
How the fuck is aircraft electric...,
How is anti icing fluid ejected f...,
On most reciprocating multiengine...
118  cards
Engine Exhaust and Reverser Systems
Why is nickel chromium steel used...,
Reciprocating engine exhaust syst...,
One source commonly used for carb...
35  cards
Engine Cooling Systems
The primary purpose of baffles an...,
What is the purpose of an augment...,
Aircraft reciprocating engine cyl...
32  cards
Auxiliary Power Units
Frequently an aircraft s auxiliar...,
Fuel is normally supplied to an a...,
An apu is usually rotated during ...
10  cards
Engine Inspection
Refer to figure 1 determine which...,
A cessna 180 aircraft has a mccau...,
Which of the following is used to...
29  cards
Ignition and Starting Systems
The magnetic circuit of a magneto...,
How is the strength of a magneto ...,
The e gap angle is usually define...
132  cards
Engine Instrument Systems
Which unit most accurately indica...,
The fuel flowmeter used with a co...,
The principal fault in thep press...
9  cards
Explanations: Ignition and Starting Systems
What does a magneto magnetic circ...,
2  cards

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powerplant writtens

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