principles of infectious diseases

This class was created by Brainscape user Lottie Frank. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

microbial pathogenicity and virulence
Why bother studying infectious di...,
Why do microbial infections remai...,
Microbiota shift diseases
40  cards
colonisation and invasion of the host
What do the body s defences do,
The body s 3 lines of defence,
External defences
48  cards
urogenitary tract infections
Uropathogenic ecoli,
Uropathogenic ecoli reservoir,
Uropathogenic ecoli disease
34  cards
innate and adaptive immune system
Innate system,
Adaptive system components,
Innate vs adaptive
40  cards
encounter with innate and adaptive immunity
What pathways is complement activ...,
Anti microbial roles of complemen...
40  cards
human fungal infections
How do fungi cause harm mycotoxic...,
Symtpoms of mycotoxin poisoning,
How else do fungi cause harm
27  cards
human fungal infections - part 2
Who fungal priority pathogens list,
Candida species,
Mucosal candidiasis mouth or vagina
23  cards
bacterial toxins
Non protein toxins,
Mycolactone non protein toxin
42  cards
A-B toxins
Simple a b toxin,
Compound a b toxin
47  cards
type 3 toxins - A-B toxins and examples of diseases caused by A-B toxins
Reservoirs of cholera,
Cholera toxin disease
20  cards
Annual deaths on tb,
Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
Biggest risk factor for developin...
29  cards
how does M. tuberculosis survive in macrophages
How dies mtuberculosis affect pha...,
How does mycobacterium tuberculos...,
Virulence determinants of m tuber...
15  cards
Ecoli organism,
Why is ecoli a model organism,
Dual aspect of ecoli
35  cards
Salmonella the organism,
Salmonella infection,
Senterica serovar typhimurium
14  cards

More about
principles of infectious diseases

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