This class was created by Brainscape user Unknown Unknown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

What are the definitions of taska...,
Whats the definition of tadika,
What s the focus of taska
38  cards
Principled Pedagogical Approach to T&L in Early Years
What is pedagogy,
What does pedagogy involve,
What is effective pedagogy
33  cards
Early Years Movers & Shakers
What are the early years,
Why are the early years considere...,
What is meant by movers and shakers
26  cards
Reflective Practice & Practice-based inquiry
What is reflective practice,
What is the process of reflection,
Why reflect
20  cards
High Quality Early Years T&L
What does the naeyc focus on,
What is the naeyc,
What are naeyc foundational docum...
29  cards
Planning effective teaching & learning in early years
What is the childhood curriculum,
What does the childhood curriculu...,
How should a childhood curriculum...
55  cards
Communication, Language & Literacy in Early Years
Why is communication language and...,
How is early language development...,
What are language skills fundamen...
34  cards
Promoting babies' and young childrens' physical & emotional well-being
What influences a child s growth ...,
Why are the earliest years of an ...,
Who developed the attachment theory
69  cards
Learning Styles
What is a learning style,
How does understanding learning s...,
What concepts are highlighted amo...
42  cards
Developing a Creative Approach to T&L in Early Years
What does developing a creative a...,
What does creative approach enhance,
Why is creativity crucial in earl...
7  cards

More about
principles t&l

  • Class purpose General learning

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