This class was created by Brainscape user Jacob Stevens. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Vertex Select
What is the drilling screw trajec...,
What is the entry point for c2 pe...,
What is the entry point for c2 pa...
34  cards
Voyager legacy instruments come with,
Voyager legacy version mas come i...,
Voyager implants and instruments ...
9  cards
What is the width of the zevo plate,
What is the width distance betwee...,
What is the plate thickness
7  cards
Anterior Cervical
Instruments inside the atlantis e...,
1 lv atlantis elite plates,
Atlantis elite self tapping drill...
24  cards
Solera 4.75 and 5.5/6.0
475mm screw features 26 volume re...,
475mm screw features 12 volume re...,
55 60mm screw features 10 volume ...
42  cards
Wave D/O
Wave d width,
Radiopaque marker is located 23mm...,
Radiopaque marker is located 15mm...
22  cards
T2 Altitude
What size trials come in t2 altit...,
What size inserters come in t2 instr,
What is the shortest and tallest ...
5  cards
Longitude II
Longitude ii 475 straight percuta...,
Longitude ii 55 straight percutan...,
What size taps come in 475 and 55...
20  cards
What lengths does the crescent pe...,
What degrees of lordosis does all...,
What heights does crescent peek c...
9  cards
What are the lordotic angles of fuse,
What type of procedures is fuse o...,
What sizes do the distractors com...
8  cards
What degrees of lordosis does cly...,
What widths does clydesdale come in,
What length does 22mm clydesdale ...
9  cards
What lengths does the capstone co...,
What material does the capstone c...,
Where is the anterior and lateral...
10  cards
What implants are navigated,
What comes in the navlock instrum...,
What comes in the reference tray
8  cards
Where should the green ground ele...,
What cervical nerve roots does th...,
Where are the cervical electrod p...
8  cards
What width does elevate come in,
What lengths does elevate come in,
Standard elevate comes in how muc...
10  cards

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