This class was created by Brainscape user Abbey Kowalski. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

1: Introduction to Amputations
What is the definition of an ampu...,
What is a prosthesis,
Are men or women more likely to h...
52  cards
2: Amputation Key Impairments and Interventions
What are the two main purposes of...,
What are the four positions we co...,
What are four general considerati...
64  cards
3: Examination
Describe the technique of assessi...,
What is a positive pallor with el...,
How long does it take to see pall...
59  cards
4: Ankle and Foot Components
What are the three main component...,
What are the two types of prosthe...,
What is the function of a prosthe...
38  cards
5: Transtibial
What type of flap is typically us...,
What is specifically done to the ...,
What is a short transtibial amput...
43  cards
6: Transfemoral
After a tfa how much weight can b...,
How are thigh muscles balanced fo...,
What is the goal of tfa
92  cards
7: Gait
What are the 4 components of stan...,
What are the 4 components of swin...,
When is initial contact
17  cards
8: Phases of Rehab
What are the three phases of reha...,
What are 6 key suggestions for al...,
When is the pre prosthetic phase
57  cards
9: UE and Other
0  cards
Lab 1: Examination Pt 1
What is the more crucial aspect o...,
What are the four locations to as...,
What is the equation for calculat...
39  cards
Lab 2: Examination Pt 2
What is the purpose of positionin...,
What are common contracture sites...,
What are common contracture sites...
24  cards
Lab 3: Intervention
What should a pt be looking for w...,
What are skin hygiene considerati...,
Should a pt with a prosthesis use...
9  cards
Lab 4: Functional Skills
0  cards

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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