ps2023 - thinking, emotion & consciousness

This class was created by Brainscape user Atmaja Mohanty. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

L1 - What is Consciousness?
What is reasoning from first prin...,
What is the easy way of thinking,
Why do we think critically
22  cards
L2 - Brain Basis of Consciousness
What is the easy problem,
How are paradigms designed,
Is mapping enough
18  cards
L3 - Attention
How to define attention james def...,
What is the textbook definition o...,
What are the 4 main functions of ...
24  cards
L4 - Attention Bottlenecks
What are serial bottlenecks,
What are early selection theories,
What are late selection theories
19  cards
L5 - Multitasking
What is multitasking,
What is serial processing,
What is parallel processing
26  cards
L6 - Memory
What is thinking,
What is sensory memory,
What is short term memory
19  cards
L7 - Decision Making
What are the stages of decision m...,
What does making decisions lead to,
What is the pathway from evidence...
17  cards
L8 - Frames and Rationality
What are the standards of rationa...,
What is a study on framing,
What was a study looking at frami...
9  cards
L9 - Mental Chronometry and Simple Decisions
How was the speed of human mind d...,
How to work out nerve conduction ...,
What were follow up experiments i...
19  cards
L10 - Decisions, metacognition and modelling
Do patients with mdd have slower rt,
Why are mental processes slower a...,
Why does mean rt increase with de...
13  cards
L11 - Volition
What did descartes do,
How did this become psychological,
How to record objective measures
25  cards
L12 - Theories of Emotion
What is emotion,
What are the components of emotion,
What are the antecedents in the e...
17  cards
L13 - Functions of Emotions
Are emotions functional,
What do atypical emotional experi...,
What does suppression of emotions...
22  cards
L14 - Disgust and Compassion
Where does disgust stem from,
Is disgust a disease avoidant res...,
What are the cues that trigger di...
24  cards
L15 - Brain Mechanisms of Emotion Part 1
Who is sm,
Why is the amygdala important and...,
What were the overall takes from sm
16  cards
L16 - Brain mechanisms pt 2
What is huntington s disease,
What is the insula,
What is the relationship between ...
17  cards
L17 - Face Perception in the Brain
Why study faces,
What was the case study of ps,
What did bruce and young do
21  cards
L18 - Eye Gaze
What can eye gaze tell us about a...,
What is gaze behaviour in develop...,
Describe direct gaze
18  cards
L19 - Theory of Mind
What is tom,
Does the chimpanzee have a tom,
What was a true test of tom
7  cards

More about
ps2023 - thinking, emotion & consciousness

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Atmaja Mohanty's PS2023 - Thinking, Emotion & Consciousness flashcards for their Cardiff University class now!

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