This class was created by Brainscape user Kasia Faron. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

week 1
Define homeostasis give 3 example...,
Describe components needed to mai...,
What is negative feedback loop
52  cards
week 2
Diff between cns and pns,
Afferent vs efferent info cns or pns,
Somatic vs autonomic
41  cards
week 3
Diff bw gps and aps in terms ofa ...,
Phases of an ap 3,
When do na channels open
53  cards
week 4
T or f the cns is our most unders...,
T of f the cns is mostly composed...,
5 types of glial cells
62  cards
week 5
Is perception concerned with the ...,
Special senses 5,
Law of specific nerve energies
66  cards
week 6
Is the ans the afferent of effere...,
Whats the primary function of the...,
Very briefly what are the roles o...
43  cards
2 week 7
Diff bw direct and indirect cell ...,
Whats a neurohormone,
Diff bw primary and secondary end...
33  cards
2 week 9
The heart muscular pump that driv...,
What is vasculature,
Diff bw superior and inferior ven...
42  cards
2 week 10
T or f electrical signals always ...,
Describe left ventricular volume ...,
Describe left atrial pressure thr...
39  cards
2 week 11
Blood pressure ___ x ___,
What happens to map when you incr...,
What happens to map when co remai...
31  cards
2 week 12
Functions of blood 5,
What are the constituents of blood,
What is plasma made of
29  cards
3 week 13
Diff bw internal and external res...,
Whats the path of airflow through...,
Diff bw conducting zone and respi...
34  cards
3 week 15
What is air composed of what pres...,
How do you calculate the partial ...,
T or f atmospheric pressure incre...
42  cards
3 week 16
Input production ____ ____,
What are average water inputs vs ...,
How much of the body is made up o...
35  cards
3 week 17
Whats the diff bw reabsorption an...,
What is the diff bw apical membra...,
Which parts of the nephrona reabs...
39  cards
3 week 18
What is ph what is normal arteria...,
What ph is acidosis alkalosis,
Why can a change in arterial bloo...
29  cards
4 week 20
What are the 4 key processes of t...,
Does food enter the pharynx or es...,
Mucosa components 3
43  cards
4 week 21
T or f absorption is maximized on...,
What is the enteric nervous system 3,
Describe endocrine regulation of ...
30  cards
4 week 22
What is energy metabolism what ar...,
Name the form stored storage site...,
Diff bw absorptive vs postabsorpt...
32  cards
4 week 23
What are the commonalities 2 amon...,
What is the hypothalamic pituitar...,
Meiosis vs mitosis
29  cards
4 week 24
What are the components of the im...,
Central lymphoid tissue vs periph...,
What are the two major types of d...
13  cards

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psl201: physiology

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