This class was created by Brainscape user Airi -. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

Lecture 5: Blood Clotting
What gives rise to platelets,
___ are needed for blood clotting,
How do megakaryocytes give rise t...
89  cards
PSL301: Water 4
Sodium balance
89  cards
PSL301: Cardio 1
Main functions of the circulatory...,
Humoral communication,
Wastes move from __ to ___
70  cards
PSL301: Cardio 2
Cardiac action potential
46  cards
PSL301: Cardio 3
Heart is stimulated by the,
Heart is inhibited by the,
Where is the sympathetic cardioac...
66  cards
PSL301: Cardio 4
First heart sound,
Second heart sound,
55  cards
PSL301: Cardio 5
Blood flow
38  cards
PSL301: Cardio 6
How much blood goes into the hear...,
How much blood goes into the brai...,
Which part of the body does blood...
58  cards
PSL301: Cardio 7
List the chemicals that cause vas...,
List the chemicals that cause vas...,
Physiological role of ne a receptor
58  cards
PSL301: Cardio 8
Pi c
44  cards
PSL301: Cardio 9
Extrinsic factors that cause chan...,
What counts as hypotension,
What counts as hypertension
43  cards
PSL301: Respiratory 1
What lung structures are affected...,
If a lung function test was obser...,
Functions of the respiratory system
72  cards
PSL301: Respiratory 2
72  cards
PSL301: Respiratory 3
Dalton s law of partial pressures...,
Formula partial pressure,
Normal value for pb
44  cards
PSL301: Respiratory 4
What is responsible for feedback ...,
In response to chemoreflex what c...,
Graph of arteriole pco2 and venti...
37  cards
PSL301: Respiratory 5
Neural regulation of breathing
110  cards
PSL301: Respiratory 6
High altitude and exercise
56  cards
PSL301: Water 1
Functions of the kidney 3,
What is the main waste secreted b...,
How does the kidney maintain norm...
72  cards
PSL301: Water 2
Glomerular function
80  cards
PSL301: Water 3
Tubular Function
100  cards
PSL301: Water 5
Water balance is mostly regulated by,
What are ways of water intake,
What are the ways of water loss
81  cards
PSL301: Water 6
Potassium balance
75  cards
PSL301: Water 7
Acid-base balance
54  cards
PSL301: Water 8
Excretion of waste products; endocrine function
63  cards
Digestion 1: Function & Structure
What are the functions of the dig...,
Majority of the lymphoid tissues ...,
We have ___ and ____ at the back ...
126  cards
Digestion 2: Motility
Which layer of the muscle is clos...,
Which layer of muscle is further ...,
Gi motility is generally controll...
111  cards
Digestion 3: Secretion
Where do secretion products end up,
Where can goblet cells be found
111  cards
Digestion 4: Digestion & Absorption
What are the nutrients we get fro...,
What are the nutrients absorbed b...,
What type of transport is endocyt...
79  cards
Digestion 5 & 6: Control, Disorders, and Diseases
3 phases of gi activity the name ...,
Cephalic phase excitatory inhibitory,
Gastric phase excitatory inhibitory
63  cards

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