This class was created by Brainscape user Anna Tobin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (6)

Define developmental psychology Give an overview of ways development can be studied Describe the different methods we use to study change Explain the strengths and weaknesses of different methods Describe the tools we use to study development Know how to ask a question on this module
13  cards
Explain what a schema is and be able to describe examples of how schemas are developed Describe Piaget’s stage theory of cognitive development including the key concepts and the milestones reached in each stage Evaluate Piaget’s theory considering both its influence and limitations
15  cards
Discuss how socio-culture can influence aspects of development Explain why inner speech plays an important role in development Describe what the ‘zone of proximal development’ and ‘scaffolding’ are and how they influence development and education Discuss how socio-culture may play a role in children’s ability to delay gratification and in the development of motor skills Compare and contrast Piaget and Vygotsky’s theories of development
13  cards
Nature / nurture
Define key terms in the nature nurture debate Explain the methods used in studies on nature and nurture Describe how the contribution of nature and nurture may vary across species Explain to what extent infant face preferences are innate Discuss the roles of nature and nurture in educational achievement, cognition and antisocial behaviour Explain and apply the Genotype-Environment Interaction Theory
16  cards
Gender development
Explain the three-stage model of gender development Describe and critically discuss the biological, cognitive, gender schema and social cognitive accounts of gender development Give an overview of how parents, peers and marketing can influence gender typing in children Critically discuss gender differences in mathematical thinking, special skills and aggression Explain the male variability hypothesis and the gender similarity hypothesis
22  cards
Emotional development
Explain how positive, negative and self-conscious emotions emerge and develop Discuss whether emotions are innate Describe emotion regulation and why it is an important skill Define temperament and its different components Explain how temperament can be measured and the strengths and weaknesses of each approach Discuss the role of other people, parents and culture in a child’s emotional development
20  cards

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