psy1017- cognitive psychology with research methods 1

This class was created by Brainscape user Laura Mantle. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (38)

1- What is Cognitive Psychology?
What is cognitive psychology,
What are behaviours based on,
What is cognitive psychology inte...
31  cards
1- Intro to Reasoning and Decision Making
What is heuristic thinking,
Are heuristics always effective,
What is reasoning
7  cards
1- Intro to Concepts and Categories
What did rosch s study of concept...,
How does knowledge build up,
What would happen if we didn t ha...
6  cards
1- Intro to Language
What is language,
What are words,
How do we know what someone means
6  cards
1- Intro to Memory
What is memory,
What is working memory,
What is short term memory
7  cards
1- Intro to Attention
When does change blindness occur,
What is attention,
What is inattentional blindness
5  cards
2- The Need for Mental Concepts and Categorisation
What couldn t we do if we treated...,
What can you do once you have a r...,
How does a representation help ou...
11  cards
2- How do we Categorise?
What are the three approaches in ...,
What is the definitional approach,
What rules is the definitional ap...
45  cards
2- How does the Brain Categorise?
How does the brain represent cate...,
Which brain area categorises faces,
Which brain area categorises places
3  cards
3- What is Attention?
What does the attention topic des...,
What do you do when you re exerci...,
What is phenomenology
20  cards
3- How do we Select Attention?
What are the three considerations...,
What is the early vs late selecti...,
What is the main type of study to...
36  cards
3- Can Attention be Modified?
What is attention is the perceptu...,
When do we need to give more atte...,
How is attention different from t...
20  cards
3- How to Measure Attentional Abilities?
What is exogenous attention,
How is attention captured in exog...,
How is exogenous attention contro...
25  cards
4- Language
Why does language have a fundamen...,
What is linguistics,
What does studying linguistics in...
66  cards
4- Speech Production and Perception
What decides phonemes produced,
What is the place of articulation,
What is the moving articulator
41  cards
4- Language Acquisition
How did behaviourists believe tha...,
What did chomsky argue,
What did chomsky suggest
11  cards
4- Key Considerations
13 methods for studying language,
What is broca s aphasia,
What is wernicke s
8  cards
5- How We Read
0  cards
5- Eye Tracking
0  cards
5- Eye Movement Findings of Word Recognition
0  cards
5- Text Comprehension
0  cards
5- Eye Movements and Neurodiversity
0  cards
6- What is Memory?
0  cards
6- Short-Term Memory
0  cards
6- Working Memory
0  cards
7- What is Memory?
0  cards
7- Long-Term Memory
0  cards
8- What is Problem Solving?
0  cards
8- Gestalt Approaches
0  cards
8- Information Processing Approaches
0  cards
9- What is Creativity?
0  cards
9- How is Creativity Measured?
0  cards
9- What Processes does Creativity Involve?
0  cards
9- What Factors Influence Creative Thought?
0  cards
10- Defining Emotion
0  cards
10- Purpose, Characteristics and Structure of Emotions
0  cards
10- Understanding the Interaction between Emotion and Cognition
0  cards
10- Thinking about Inclusion
0  cards

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psy1017- cognitive psychology with research methods 1

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