This class was created by Brainscape user lilly ruffle. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

piaget theory of cog development
What is cognition,
What is cognitive development,
Jean piaget basis
26  cards
vygotsky theory of cog development and comparing to piaget
What was vygotskys key belief,
What are vygotskys levels of anal...
19  cards
contemporary theory of cog development: info processing approach
What are the contemporary theorie...,
What is the info processing approach,
What does info processing approac...
19  cards
contemporary theories of cog dev continued
What are the contemporary theories,
What is the neo piagetian theory,
What weaknesses of piagets theory...
35  cards
application of info processing approach
What does the info processing app...,
What is the brain referred as in ...,
What is the software of the compu...
19  cards
moral development
What are morals,
What do morals inlcude,
Give an example of how feelings i...
23  cards
What is aggression,
What are the 2 types of aggression,
Developmental trends in agg
15  cards
What is bullying,
Prevelance of bullying,
Gender and bullying
17  cards
LP 2: prosocial development
What is the key question here,
What is prosocial behaviour,
Prosocial behaviour as an umbrell...
11  cards
resilience and indiv diff in early childhood prosocial dev
What did piaget state about child...,
Who disagreed with piagets stance...,
When is early childhood
19  cards
prosocial dev in middle childhood
What is middle childhood,
What age is middle childhood,
What are the 4 main developmental...
13  cards
role of education in middle childhood
How does prosociality differ in m...,
Why might parents of reception ag...,
Dev of complex prosocial behaviou...
14  cards
prosocial dev in adolescence
How does who define adolescence,
Traditionally what age is adolesc...,
What assumption caused the tradit...
18  cards
challenges to prosocial development in adolescence
What is eisenbergs definition of ...,
What happens in puberty indicatin...,
What are some of the pressures du...
21  cards
key themes in ageing research
What is studying ageing called,
What is ageing,
What factors if ageing dependent on
32  cards
young adulthood
What age is the period of young a...,
What is the transition period int...,
What key things are seen in the p...
31  cards
middle adulthood (middle age)
What age is middle age,
Why is it often called the sandwi...,
What are some biological changes ...
25  cards
older adulthood
What age are older adults,
What are the three classification...,
What is a centenarian
31  cards
cognitive neuroscience of ageing
At what age is the brain fully de...,
At what age is volume loss seen i...,
Main parts of nerve cell
41  cards
applications of cog neuroscience on ageing
What are the models of brain change,
What is reorganisation due to dec...,
What is reorganisation due to pro...
20  cards
cognitive impairment and dementia
What is dementia,
What is the most common type of d...,
What term describes dementia grad...
38  cards
dementia diagnosis and treatment
What happens if examination meets...,
What are the 4 steps to assessing...,
What happens if examination doesn...
33  cards
cognitive reserve
What is the cognitive reserve,
Features of the cog reserve,
Why does cog reserve potentially ...
11  cards

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psy212 developmental psychology

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