psyc2030 research methods

This class was created by Brainscape user Chloe Cusi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Chapter 1: Scientific Understanding of Behaviour
What is the research process,
What do the fields of psychology ...,
How can we acquire knowledge
20  cards
Chapter 2: Where Does Research Come From?
How do you come up with a researc...,
How do you find past research,
What are library databases useful...
21  cards
Chapter 3: Designing Ethical Research
What are research ethics,
What is the primary focus of rese...,
What are canadas tri council poli...
24  cards
Chapter 4: Research Design Fundamentals
What do research ideas and studie...,
What are variables,
What are the different types of v...
21  cards
Lecture 4: Sampling and Measurement
What is population,
What is a sample,
What are representative samples
29  cards
Lecture 5a: Observational Methods
What are the different observatio...,
What are the different types of d...,
What are quantitative approaches
20  cards
Lecture 5b: Self-Report Methods
What are the different self repor...,
What is a survey,
Why are surveys convenient
16  cards
Lecture 6: Experimental Designs
What are experimental designs,
What do strong experimental desig...,
What are
22  cards
Lecture 7a: Complex Experimental Designs
What are the two ways that basic ...,
Why can including more than one i...,
10  cards
Lecture 7b: Quasi-Experimental Designs
What are quasi experimental designs,
What are the two different types ...,
What are one group designs
14  cards
Lecture 8: Connects Research Methods to Statistics
What are the two type of statistics,
Why do researchers analyze data,
What are descriptive statistics
20  cards
Lecture 9: Generalizing Research Results
What is the generalizability of r...,
What is generali,
What are issues in generalizing b...
10  cards

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psyc2030 research methods

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