This class was created by Brainscape user Chloe Cusi. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Week 1: Mental Health
What is mental health,
What is the dual factor model for...,
What are the four perspectives on...
25  cards
Week 2: Research Methods in Clinical Psychology
What is evidence based practice,
What are the 3 components of evid...,
What are factors to consider when...
21  cards
Week 3: Classification Assessment
What are key features of assessme...,
What is reliability,
What is validity
24  cards
Week 4: Careers in Mental Health
What are regulated professions,
What are the requirements for reg...,
What are examples of regulated pr...
11  cards
Week 5: Clinical Psychology's Relationship to BIPOC Communities
How has the development of intell...,
What are the ways in which intell...,
How has psychology in canada cont...
9  cards
Week 6: Clinical Psychology's Relationship to LGBTQ+ Populations
When was homosexuality removed fr...,
Who is dr john fryer,
Who is dr charles silverstein
9  cards
Week 7: Ethical Considerations
What is the importance of regulat...,
What are the three types of rules...,
What is the standards of practice
17  cards
Week 8: Interventions Across Location & Lifespan
What are the three main theoretic...,
What are the core principles of p...,
What are the core principles of h...
14  cards
Week 9: Intervention in Couples & Families
What are systemic approaches,
What are common features across s...,
What is family therapy
10  cards
Week 10: Modalities for Intervention
What is group therapy,
What are unique features of group...,
What are potential challenges and...
11  cards
Week 11: Prevention & Community Intervention
What is a prevention,
Why is prevention important for m...,
What are the three levels of prev...
7  cards

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psyc2140 clinical psychology

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