This class was created by Brainscape user Iman Omar. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

What is neuropsychopharmacology,
What are drug actions,
What are drug effects
55  cards
Pharmacodynamics and Drug Tolerance
What is pharmacodynamics,
Define ligand,
What is a drug
42  cards
Research Methods in Pharmacology
What are neurobiological techniques,
Define in vivo,
Define in vitro
48  cards
What is the criteria for neurotra...,
Describe neuromodulators,
Describe acetylcholine
16  cards
Acetylcholine Systems and Receptors
Describe cholinergic neurotransmi...,
Describe fight or flight,
Describe conservation and relaxation
35  cards
Monoamines: Catecholamines
What are monoamines,
What are catecholamines,
What is vmat
25  cards
Norepinephrine (NE)
Describe catecholamine breakdown,
Describe noradrenergic synapse,
Describe adrenergic receptors
24  cards
Describe where serotonin is mostl...,
Describe serotonin synthesis and ...,
Describe tryptophan depletion
8  cards
Serotonergic Systems and Receptors
Describe serotonergic neurons,
Describe caudal raphe nuclei,
Describe rostral raphe nuclei
25  cards
What are non essential amino acids,
What unites all amino acid neurot...,
What are the excitatory neurotran...
50  cards
Glutamatergic receptors and systems
Which metabotropic receptors are ...,
What pathway do group 1 receptors...,
Where are group 1 receptors found
51  cards
Why is gaba important,
What is its cellular function,
What nt is similar to it
67  cards
What are neuropeptides similar to,
What are the general types of neu...,
Where are neuropeptides sites of ...
63  cards
Orexigenic peptides
What are orexigenic peptides,
What is the role of energy homeos...,
Describe leptin
25  cards
Oxytocin and vasopressin
Describe vasopressin,
Describe oxytocin,
Describe expression and function ...
16  cards
Opiates and Opioids
What is an opiate,
What are opioids,
Describe natural opiates
18  cards
Opioid receptors and systems
Describe opioids and peristalsis,
Describe opioid receptor discovery
17  cards
Opioids: Reinforcement and Dependence
Describe reinforcing effects of o...,
Describe mesolimbic dopamine pathway,
What is the role of opiates at ga...
14  cards
What are psychostimulants,
What are stimulants,
Name some psychomotor stimulants
16  cards
Cocaine Systems
Describe prosecutions,
Describe perceptions of pce,
Describe effects of pce
13  cards
What are amphetamines,
When was amphetamine synthesized,
Why is amphetamine important
19  cards
Nicotine and caffeine
Describe nicotine,
Describe routes of administration,
Describe brain areas affected by ...
21  cards
What is an anxiolytic,
What is a sedative,
What is a hypnotic
28  cards
Describe the first 2 benzos,
Describe mpb,
Describe benzo effects
16  cards
What is the economic burden in th...,
What is the earliest historical e...,
What is alcohol
35  cards
What are cannabinoids,
Describe cannabis regulation,
Describe psychoactive effects
8  cards
What are endocannabinioids,
Describe cb1 and cb2,
Describe cb1 receptors
25  cards
Describe hallucinogens,
What is mescaline,
Describe psilocybin metabolism
19  cards

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psych 478

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