This class was created by Brainscape user Tiffany Frimpong. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

working memory + multi store model (16m)
Who are the people that developed...,
What year was the working memory ...,
What is the theory of the working...
15  cards
Treating phobias
What is systematic desensitisation,
What process is involved in syste...,
What are the three steps in count...
20  cards
Explaining phobias
Which one of the approaches expla...,
Who developed the explanation for...,
Explain the model
15  cards
Characteristics of phobias
What are three types of character...,
How many type of behavioural char...,
What is panic as a behavioural ch...
22  cards
Definitions of Abnormality
What is statistical infrequency,
What is the definition of abnorma...
32  cards
Explaining Depression
What are two main types of depres...,
What is bipolar depression also k...,
What is unipolar depression
23  cards
Characteristics of depression
How many behavioural characterist...,
What is the description for the b...,
What is the description of the be...
12  cards
Treatments of depression
What is cbt cognitive behavioural...,
What is the aim of cbt cognitive ...,
What does cbt cognitive behaviour...
17  cards
The learning approach: SLT
Who proposed the social learning ...,
What does the social learning the...,
What is vicarious reinforcement
22  cards
Characteristics of OCD
How many emotional characteristic...,
What is the emotional characteris...,
What is the emotional characteris...
12  cards
Explaining OCD
What did lewis find,
What are candidate genes
18  cards
Treatments of OCD
What are the drugs involved in dr...,
What is ssris,
What is ssris affect on levels se...
12  cards

More about
psych: psychopathology

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