This class was created by Brainscape user lara hallam. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Research Methods
What is an experimental method,
What is a non experimental method,
What are some characteristics of ...
73  cards
Psychodynamic Assumptions
1 what do childhood experiences i...,
What was freuds propostion,
1 what is stage one of psychosexu...
23  cards
Biological Assumptions
What is evoloution,
How could evolution explain a pos...,
What are the 3 main assumptions o...
15  cards
Psychosurgery (Biological)
What is psychosurgery,
What is the medical model of ment...
23  cards
Raine et al (1997) (Biological)
What were previous studies into c...,
What was the aim of raine et al s...,
What was the methodolgy in this e...
20  cards
Behaviourist Assumptions
1 what does tabula rasa mean,
1 what does assumption 1 believe ...,
1 does assumption 1 believe in na...
20  cards
Systematic Desensitisation (Behaviourist)
How do behaviourists believe that...,
Who first developed sd,
What is the aim of sd
13  cards
Dream Analysis (Psychodynamic)
What did freud propose about drea...,
What are dreams as wish fulfilment,
What is the symbollic nature of d...
18  cards
Bowlby (1944) (Psychodynamic)
What type of experiment was it,
What was the sample of thieves,
What was the control group
12  cards
Watson et al. (1920) (Behaviourist)
What type of study is it,
Why is it not a case study,
Why is it not a experiment
18  cards
Cognitive Assumptions
1 what is the computer analogy,
What is the multistore model,
2 what are internal mental processes
5  cards
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
What is a dysfunctional thought d...,
What is cognitive restructuring,
What is pleasant activity scheduling
7  cards
Loftus and Palmer (1974) (Cognitive)
What experimental design was used,
How many participants were in eac...,
What was the procedure for experi...
10  cards
Positive Assumptions
1 what does the positive approach...,
1 how can a good life be experienced,
1 how do we get happiness
9  cards
Mindfulness (Positive)
How does mindfulness help gain co...,
How can mindfulness help depressi...,
How is meditation used
8  cards
Myers and Diener (1995) (Positive)
What types of investigation did t...,
Is happiness related to age,
Is happiness related to gender
13  cards

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psychology (year 1)

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