This class was created by Brainscape user Alima Dossa. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (102)

What does the nervous system do 1,
Whats the cerebral cortex 2,
What does the spinal cord and pns...
53  cards
Psycho dynamic key features 1,
Iceberg 2,
Defence mechanisms 3
16  cards
What is the main idea of the huma...,
How do you achieve personal growth 2,
What happens if theres a a gap be...
16  cards
obedience milgram
What was milgrams research about 1,
What did milgram do 2,
Findings 3
8  cards
obedience; situational variables
What are the situational varibles 1,
What were the new versions of mil...,
What is promixity 3
15  cards
obedience ; situational explantions
What is the agentic state 1,
What is the autonomous state 2,
What is the agentic shift 3
11  cards
obedience ; dispositional explanation
What is authoritarian personality 1,
What causes a authoritrian person...,
What are the defence mechanisms 3
7  cards
resistance to social infulence
What are the two main reasons for...,
Social support features 2,
Social support and obedience 3
9  cards
minority infulence
What is minority influence 1,
What was moscovic s method 2,
What was the aim of moscovic s st...
18  cards
social infulence and social change
What is the order of social change 1,
What are 3 first steps in social ...,
What are the next 3 steps of soci...
10  cards
aschs study evaluation conformity
Aschs study strengths research su...,
Aschs study limitations counterpo...,
Aschs study limitations artificia...
5  cards
types and explantations of conformity
Research support for nsi strength 1,
Reaserch support for isi strength 2,
Counterpoint for isi and nsi diss...
4  cards
caregiver- infant interactions
What is attachment 1,
Why are babies atricial 2,
What are precoical animals 3
16  cards
schaffers stages of attachment
What was the aim of schaffers stu...,
What was the method of schaffer a...,
Why was this a longitudinal study 3
12  cards
the role of the father
The role of the father 1,
What did grossman 2022 study 2,
What did tiffany field 1978 study 3
8  cards
animal studies of attachment
Imprinting what is it 1,
What is filial imprinting 2,
What is sexual imprinting 3
15  cards
explanations of attachment: learning theory
What did dollard and miller say i...,
What does classical conditioning ...,
What does operant conditioning me...
10  cards
explanations of attachment: bowlbys theory
Key ideas on bowlbys attachment t...,
What does bowlbys evolution theor...,
Ascmi part 1 3
8  cards
types of attachment
What is the aim and procedures of...,
Whats is being assessed 2,
What is proximxity seeking 3
13  cards
cultural variations in attachment
What is individualist community 1,
Step one of ss 2,
Step two of ss 3
20  cards
bowlbys theory of maternal deprivation
What was bowlbys aim in the 44 th...,
Who was involved in bowlbys 44 th...,
What was bowlbys procedures in th...
13  cards
romanian orphan studies: institutionalisation
How are children conditions in in...,
How is children conditions compar...,
What is institution 3
16  cards
infulence of early attachment on later relationships
What is the internal working model 1,
What were the influences of early...,
Bullying behavior myron wilson an...
11  cards
definitions of abnormality(1)
What are the definitons of abnorm...,
Things to consider with abnormali...,
2context 3
19  cards
definitions of abnormality(2)
What is failure to function adequ...,
What did rosenhan and seligman 19...,
When is someone considered to be ...
17  cards
What is depression 1,
What does dsm 5 recognise 2,
What are the types of depression 3
15  cards
What is a phobia 1,
What 2 sub categories does the ds...,
What are the 3 behavioural charac...
14  cards
What is ocd 1,
What is the cycle of ocd 2,
What does dsm 5 recognise of ocd 3
15  cards
The behavioural approach to explaining phobias
3 ways behaviourist approach re e...,
What was the two process model by...,
What were the aims of the little ...
14  cards
the behvaioural approach to treating phobias
What is systematic desentisation 1,
First process in sd 2,
Second process in sd 3
15  cards
cognitive explainations for depression
What does becks cognitive theory ...,
What are the 3 parts to the cogni...,
What is faulty information proces...
14  cards
cognitive approach to treating depression; CBT
What is cbt 1,
Cbt and becks cognitive therapy 2,
Rational emotive behaviour therap...
9  cards
the biological approach to explaining OCD
What is obsession 1,
What is act in ocd 2,
How is biological conditioning ex...
18  cards
biological approach to treating OCD
What is the purpose of drug thera...,
What does ssri work selective ser...,
How does serotonin work in the br...
12  cards
What is memory 1,
What is stm 2,
What is ltm 3
10  cards
How did jacobs figure out digit s...,
What did jacobs find from the sut...,
What did miller find on span of m...
5  cards
What was peterson and peterson st...,
Whats was the limitation to peter...,
How did bahrick study durtaion of...
5  cards
the multi store model of memory
Facts about the sensory reg 1,
Facts on stm 2,
Facts on ltm 3
5  cards
types of long term memory
What is episodic memory 1,
What is semantic memory 2,
What is procedural memory 3
5  cards
the working memory model
What is the central executive sys...,
What is a phonological loop 2,
What is a visuo spatial sketchpad 3
6  cards
explanations for forgetting: interference
What does interference mean 1,
What are the types of interference 2,
What does proactive interference ...
11  cards
explanations for forgetting: Retrieval failure
What is the meaning of retrieval ...,
What is a cue 2,
What did tulving say about encodi...
13  cards
factors affecting the accuracy of eyewitness testimony: misleading information
How can ewt be misleading 1,
What was the research done on lea...,
Why do leading qs effect ewt 3
9  cards
factors affecting accuracy of EWT: anxiety
How does anxiety have a negative ...,
What was the procedure in johnson...,
What was found in johnson and sco...
11  cards
improving the accuracy of EWT: cognitive interview
What s the first stage of the cog...,
What s the second stage to ci 2,
What is the third stage to ci 3
7  cards
localisation of function of brain
What is localistaion vs holistic 1,
What did broca and wernicke argue...,
What are the hemispheres of the b...
15  cards
hem lateralisation and split brain research
What can the rh produce 1,
What is the role of lh and rh 2,
How do we know some functions are...
14  cards
plasticity and functional recovery of the brain after trauma
What does brain plasticity include 1,
What is maguire et al study 2,
What did maguire et al find 3
12  cards
ways of studying the brain
What does fmri do 1,
A strength of fmri 2,
Weaknesses of fmri 3
12  cards
biological rythms: circadian rhythms
What is a biological rhythm gover...,
What are circadian rythms 2,
What exogenous zeitgebers affect ...
11  cards
biological rythms:infradian and ultradian
Key features of menstrual cycle 1,
What was mclintoks study 2,
What was mcclitoks findings 3
16  cards
endogenous pacemakers and exogenous zeitgebers
What is the scn 1,
How do nerve fibres connected to ...,
What did coursey et al do 3
14  cards
What do correlations measure 1,
What numerical values do correlat...,
What does correlation cofficient ...
13  cards
case studies
What is a case study 1,
What data do case studies produce 2,
Why can case studies take a long ...
6  cards
content analysis
What is content analysis 1,
What is the aim of content analys...,
What is stage one 3
9  cards
What is reliability 1,
How do we know if information is ...,
What is internal reliablity 3
16  cards
What does validity mean 1,
What does internal validity mean 2,
How do demand characteristics aff...
23  cards
choosing a statistical test
What are 3 factors to choosing th...,
Why are statistical tests importa...,
How do yk if its a correlation or...
12  cards
probability and significance
How is the probability sign shown 1,
Key features of probability 2,
What does gaining a significant r...
16  cards
non parametric tests- mann whitney
When do we use mann whitney 1,
What is step 1 the table of ranks 2,
What is step 2 working out the va...
6  cards
wilcoxon non para
Why use wilcoxon 1,
Example of alternative hypothesis 2,
Example of null hypothesis 3
7  cards
parametric test - unrelated
Why use unrelated test 1,
What is step 1 table of data 2,
What is step 2 work out value of t 3
6  cards
parametric test- related
Why use related t test 1,
Example of alternative hypothesis 2,
Example null hypothesis 3
8  cards
tests of correlation -spearman’s rho
Why use spearman 1,
What is step 1 the table of ranks 2,
What is step 2 calc the difference 3
6  cards
test of correlation pearsons
When we use pearsons 1,
What is step 1 table of data 2,
What is step 2 workout the value ...
5  cards
test of association- chi squared
Why use chi 1,
What may be an alternative hypoth...,
What may be a null hypothesis 3
7  cards
reporting psychological investigations
What is in the abstract and what ...,
What is in the introduction and w...,
What is in the method and what is...
12  cards
features of science (paradigm)
What are the 5 criteria to featur...,
What can we define a paradigm as ...,
What does kuhn 1970 state 3
14  cards
theory construction and hypotheses
What is the 2nd criteria 1,
What is dedcution 2,
Difference between inductive and ...
3  cards
What is falsifiability 1,
What do psychologists avoid saying 2,
What does popper state about fals...
3  cards
What makes a theory replicable 1,
Why is replicability so important 2,
What can we say ab the general la...
3  cards
What does objectivity mean 1,
Why is objectivity harder in psych 2,
What does empiricism mean 3
8  cards
is a psych a science?
Yes its a science 1,
No its not a science 2
2  cards
evolutionary explanations for partner preferences
What is the idea of sexual select...,
Selection for females 2,
Adaptive characteristics for males 3
24  cards
factors affecting attraction- self disclosure
What is self disclosure 1,
Why is do you have to be catious ...,
What is the self penetration theo...
9  cards
factors affecting attraction:physical attractivness
What did shackleford and larsen f...,
What did mcnaulty find 2,
What was the halo effect 3
15  cards
factors affecting attraction: filter theory
What is the filter theory 1,
Social demography 1st level of fi...,
Why is social demography important 3
11  cards
theories of romantic relationships: social exchange theory
Rewards cost and profits 1,
What is social exhange theory bas...,
What do rewards include 3
18  cards
theories of romantic rs- equity theory
What is the equity theory 1,
What isnt equity the same as 2,
Fairness of the ratios 2
12  cards
theories of romantic RS- Rusbults investement model
What holds a rs together 1,
What are the 3 factors rusbult ca...,
What is the investement model 3
16  cards
theories of romantic relationships - ducks phase model
3 reasons identified for breakdow...,
What is a inequitable rs 2,
What is the phase model 3
17  cards
virtual RS -social media
What is the reduced cues theory 1,
What non verbal cues are looked at 2,
What happens if non verbal cues a...
16  cards
parasocial relationships
What are parasocial relationships 1,
What did mcuthen et al say about ...,
What were the 3 levels identified...
18  cards
offender profiling top down
What is offender profiling 1,
What is the american approach 2,
How does the american approach op...
14  cards
offender profiling bottom up
What is bottom up 1,
Whats investigative psych 2,
How is statisitical data base use...
18  cards
atavistic form - historical approach
Who was lombroso 1,
How was the biological approach a...,
What was the atavisitc form 3
11  cards
biology- genetic and neural explanations
Whats the importance shown in twi...,
What did crowe find in adopted ch...,
What percent did crow find for th...
18  cards
psychological explanations: eysencks theory
What was the personality theory 1,
What were extraverts 2,
What were neurotics 3
12  cards
psychological explanations: cognitive
What are cognitive distortions 1,
What did lawrence kohlberg say ab...,
What did kohlberg find out using ...
25  cards
psycholgical explanations: differential association theory
Differential association meaning 1,
What does sutherland state on da 2,
How is offedending learnt 3
11  cards
psych exp; psychodynamic
What the key ideas around the ina...,
What is the meaning of inadequate...,
The role of the superego 2
14  cards
dealing w offences; custodial sentencing
Whats custodial sentencing 1,
Whats deterrence 2,
What is retriubution 3
14  cards
dealing w offending behaviour:behaviour modificaiton in custody
What is behaviour modification in...,
What is the behvaiour princple 2,
What is the behvaiour modificatio...
19  cards
dealing with offending behaviour : anger mangement
What is anger mangement 1,
How do cognitive factors trigger ...,
What is anger mangement a form of 3
11  cards
dealing with offending behaviour restorative justice
What is rj 1,
What is the shift in emphasis 2,
Whats the key aim of rj 3
9  cards
intro to schizophrenia
What is sp 1,
What is psychosis 2,
Key points ab sp 3
18  cards
psychological exp for schizo
Why are family rs important for s...,
How is schizo linked to the schiz...,
What does a schizophrengenic moth...
19  cards
psychological therapy for SP
How does cbt work 1,
How does a therapist go about cbt 2,
What does cbt not do 3
22  cards
biological exp for schiz
What is the genetic basis 1,
What do adoption studies show 2,
What are candidate genes role in ...
22  cards
mangement of schizophrenia
What are token economies 1,
What study did azrin and ayllon c...,
Why were tokens sued so much in t...
16  cards
interactionist approach
What is they key idea of the inte...,
What are the biological factors 2,
What are the psychological factors 3
17  cards
biological therapy
0  cards

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