This class was created by Brainscape user Fraser King. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

What is the first stage of inform...,
What is the second stage of infor...,
What is the third stage of inform...
37  cards
Social Influence
All situational factors,
Majority influence,
46  cards
Psychological problems
Mental heath,
Physical health,
Jahodas ideal mh
41  cards
Criminal psychology
Name 5 types of crime,
Describe what the 5 types of crim...,
Social construct
34  cards
Research methods
What is a hypothesis,
Whats an alternate hypothesis,
Whats a null hypothesis
93  cards
Cognitive development research study - Piaget 1952 (unfinished)
What is the background for the study,
What was the aim,
What was the hypothesis
14  cards
Key studies
What is the key study for social ...,
What is the key study for crimina...,
What is the key study for cogniti...
12  cards
Cooper and Mackie (key study) (criminal)
What was the background,
What was the hypothesis,
What was the design
15  cards
Heaven (key study) (criminal)
What was the background,
What was the hypothesis,
What was the design
11  cards
Piaget (key study) (development)
What was the background,
What was the aim,
What was the hypothesis
14  cards
Dweck (key study) (development) (study 1)
What was the background,
What was the aim,
What was the hypothesis
10  cards
Dweck (key study) (development) (study 2)
What was the hypothesis,
What was the design,
12  cards
Daniel (key study) (psychological problems)
What was the background,
What is an agonist,
What was the hypothesis
14  cards
Tandoc (Key Study) (psychological problems)
What was the background,
What is the social rank theory of...,
What was the aim
13  cards
Bickman (key study) (social Influence) (experiment 1)
What was the background,
What was the aim,
What was the hypothesis
16  cards
Bickman (key study) (social Influence) (experiment 2)
What method was used,
Where was the experiment carried out,
8  cards
Bickman (key study) (social Influence) (experiment 3A)
What was the method,
What was the sample,
What did the questionnaire ask
5  cards
Bickman (key study) (social Influence) (experiment 3B)
What was the sample,
What was the procedure,
What were the results
3  cards
NatCen (key study) (Social influence)
What was the background,
What was the aim,
What was the hypothesis
24  cards
Wilson (key study) (memory)
What was the background,
What was the aim,
What was the sample
13  cards
Braun (key study) (memory) (experiment 1)
What was the background,
What was the aim,
What were the hypotheses
16  cards
Braun (key study) (memory) (Experiment 2)
What was the aim,
What was the design,
What was the sample
8  cards
Freud (key study) (Sleep and Dreaming)
What was the background,
What was the design,
What was the sample
7  cards
Williams (key study) (sleep and Dreaming)
What was the background,
What was the aim,
What was the design
11  cards
Reconstructive memory
Who created the theory of reconst...,
What is the key study for reconst...,
What is a schema
9  cards

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