This class was created by Brainscape user Grace Sargent. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Brain Scans
Are brain scans considered experi...,
How was the brain studied before ...,
What were the issues with post mo...
18  cards
Case Studies
Are case studies considered an ex...,
What is a case study,
Are case studies considered a res...
7  cards
Levels of Measurement
What is nominal data,
What is an example of nominal data,
What is ordinal data
8  cards
Measures of Central Tendancy
How is,
How is the mean calculated,
What are the advantages of using ...
10  cards
Experimental Design
What is independent groups,
What is repeated measures,
What is matched pairs
11  cards
Sampling Techniques
What is opportunity sampling,
What are strengths of opportunity...,
What are limitations of opportuni...
21  cards
What is a participant observation,
What are the advantages of partic...,
What are the disadvantages of par...
33  cards
Cross-sectional & Longitudinal studies
What is the definition of cross s...,
What is the definition of longitu...,
What are the strengths of cross s...
6  cards
Are questionnaires experimental o...,
What is a questionnaire,
What are open questions
8  cards
Experimental Method
What is an iv,
What is a dv,
What is a hypothesis
14  cards
What is an interview,
What is a structured interview,
What is a semi structured interview
8  cards
Correlational Studies
What is a correlation,
What does a correlational study a...,
When do we use a correlational de...
8  cards
Content Analysis
What is content analysis,
What is the sample in content ana...,
What is quantitative analysis
7  cards
Location Of Research
What is a laboratory experiment,
What are key features of a lab ex...,
What are the strengths of lab exp...
16  cards
Problems With Experiments
What is an extraneous variable,
What are the two types of extrane...,
What are participant
14  cards
Measures of Dispersion
What is measures of dispersion,
What is range,
What should you add to the range
10  cards
Graphical Representation of Data
What is a frequency table,
When is it appropriate to use a b...,
When is it appropriate to use a h...
6  cards
Normal and Skewed Distribution Curves
What is another word for a normal...,
What are the two features of a no...,
Why do we get positively skewed data
7  cards
Validity and Reliability
0  cards
Ethical Considerations
What is the bps,
What do the bps do,
What is meant by an ethical issue
12  cards
Inferential Statistics
What do inferential statistics he...,
What can be done with the hypothe...,
What is step one using inferentia...
23  cards
The Role of the Scientific Community
What pattern should a report of a...,
What is an abstract,
What is an introduction
12  cards

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psychology p2 - research methods

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