This class was created by Brainscape user Em Brocklesby. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Introduction to developmental psychology
What are two things developmental...,
Developmental psychology often ha...,
The study of developmental psycho...
14  cards
Expression and recognising emotional expressions
What are the three broad areas th...,
What did darwin 1872 argue about ...,
What did ekman and frieden 1971 f...
17  cards
Introduction to Attachment
Explain bowlby s theory of attach...,
What did bowlby believe the prima...,
Bowlby recognized that the attach...
20  cards
Childhood disorders
Fill in the gaps in the following...,
What is anxiety,
When does anxiety become a problem
18  cards
Behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders
What is adhd,
What are some main differences be...,
What is the worldwide prevalence ...
29  cards
Intro to nature and nurture
Define termperament,
What are the two different approa...,
What is vertical genetic transfer
11  cards
N&N: Developmental Psychopathology
What are the two approaches to de...,
What are the two different classi...,
What percentage of psychopatholog...
10  cards
What are three different approach...,
What is the paediatric approach t...,
What are the constituents of the ...
17  cards
Children's play
What are the key factors in the d...,
What are parten s 6 types of play,
How is brain size linked to play
5  cards
Peer relations
Observing toddlers in playgroup a...,
Friendships in young children are...,
By preschool average length of ti...
26  cards
Socio-cognitive development
What is the theory of mind,
What must a child do in the unexp...,
What are the two appearance reali...
14  cards
Socio_cognitive Development 2
What is the theory of mind,
What the aim of fink et al 2015 r...,
What did fink et al 2015 measure ...
12  cards
Cognitive development: Piaget
What is genetic epistemology,
What is meant by the term constru...,
Knowledge is abstracted from our ...
19  cards
Cognitive development: Information processing theories
In information processing theorie...,
In information processing theorie...,
What are the three fundamental pr...
16  cards
What is the definition of intelli...,
Fill in the gaps about spearman 1...,
Define fluid intelligence
31  cards
Sample paper questions I got wrong
4 which are the most crucial stag...,
7 which emotional disorders are m...,
10 which of the following causes ...
13  cards

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psychology of childhood

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