psychology paper 2

This class was created by Brainscape user olivia cox. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

biopsychology : split brain research and ways of studying the brain
What is meant by hemispheric brai...,
What function is the left hemisph...,
What function is the right hemisp...
23  cards
biopsychology: the fight or flight response
What is the function of the perip...,
Describe the changes that happen ...,
Outline the functions of the symp...
4  cards
biopsychology: biological rhythms
What is the definition of a circa...,
Give an example of a circadian rh...,
What is it meant by sleep wake cycle
23  cards
biopsychology: the endocrine system
Name 3 glands that form part of t...,
Outline the function of the endoc...,
Explain 2 differences between the...
3  cards
biopsychology: the divisions of the nervous system
What is the function of the perip...,
What is the function of the somat...,
What is the function of the auton...
14  cards
biopsychology: types of neurons
What is the function of the perip...,
What is the role of motor neurons...,
What is the role of relay neurons...
10  cards
approaches: introspection + emergence of psychology
What was psychology originally se...,
Who were the first philosophers t...,
What made psychology become seen ...
20  cards
approaches: behaviourism
What does we were born as tabula ...,
What is behaviourism behaviourist...,
How is social learning theory in ...
15  cards
approaches: social learning theory
Who developed social learning theory,
What is social learning theory,
What did bandura agree with behav...
18  cards
approaches: the cognitive approach
What are the 4 assumptions of the...,
What does cognition literally mea...,
How is the cognitive approach dif...
20  cards
approaches: biological approach
Define the biological approach in...,
What are the 3 assumptions of the...,
What is meant by the genetic basi...
22  cards
approaches: psychodynamic approach
What context was the psychodynami...,
Define the psychodynamic approach,
What are the three assumptions of...
17  cards
approaches: humanistic
Define the humanist approach,
What does free will mean how does...,
Who founded the humanistic approach
13  cards
research methods: experimental method
What is the difference between a ...,
When do you write a non direction...,
What is the difference between th...
14  cards
research methods: ethical issues
Outline what is meant by informed...,
Outline what is meant by deceptio...,
Outline what is meant by protecti...
12  cards

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psychology paper 2

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