psychology paper 3 content

This class was created by Brainscape user Hope-Louise Farnie. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

Relationships - Evolutionary explanations for partner preferences
What is sexual selection,
What is anisogamy,
What is intersexual selection
6  cards
Relationships - Self disclosure
What is self disclosure,
What is social penetration theory,
What is breadth and depth
6  cards
Relationships - physical attractiveness
What is physical attractiveness,
What is the halo effect,
What is the matching hypothesis
7  cards
Relationships - Filter theory
What is filter theory,
What are the three filters,
What is social demography
7  cards
Relationships - social exchange theory
What is social exchange theory,
What are rewards costs and benefits,
What is comparison level
7  cards
Relationships - equity theory
What is equity theory,
What is the role of equity,
What are the consequences of ineq...
6  cards
Relationships - Rusbult's investment model
What are the three factors that c...,
What is satisfaction,
What is comparison with alternatives
7  cards
Relationships - Duck's phase model
What is the phase model of relati...,
What are the four stages,
What is the intra psychic phase
8  cards
Relationships - Virtual relationships in social media
What is the reduced cue theory,
What is the hyper personal model,
What is a gate
6  cards
Relationships - Parasocial relationships
What are parasocial relationships,
What are the three levels of para...,
What is the absorption addiction ...
6  cards
Schizophrenia - Classification and Diagnosis
What is schizophrenia,
How is schizophrenia diagnosed,
What are positive symptoms
9  cards
Schizophrenia - biological explanations
What is the genetic basis of sz,
What are family studies,
What are candidate genes
9  cards
Schizophrenia - psychological explanations
What is family dysfunction,
What is the schizophrenogenic mother,
What is the double bind theory
12  cards
Schizophrenia - biological therapy
What is drug therapy,
What are typical antipsychotics,
How do typical antipsychotics wor...
7  cards
Schizophrenia - psychological therapy
What is cognitive behavioural the...,
How does cognitive behavioural th...,
What is a strength of cognitive b...
7  cards
Schizophrenia - management
What are token economies,
How are token economies developed
2  cards
Schizophrenia - interactionist approach
0  cards
Forensics - ways of measuring crime
0  cards
Forensics - The top down approach
0  cards
Forensics - The bottom up approach
0  cards
Forensics - historical approach
0  cards
Forensics - biological explanation
0  cards
Forensics - Esyenck's theory
0  cards
Forensics - Cognitive explanations
0  cards
Forensics - Differential association theory
0  cards
Forensics - Psychodynamic
0  cards
Forensics - Custodial sentencing
0  cards
Forensics - Behaviour modification
0  cards
Forensics - Anger management
0  cards
Forensics - Restorative Justice
0  cards

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psychology paper 3 content

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