psychology unit 3!

This class was created by Brainscape user Chloe appleby. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Controversy - Sexism
What is sexism when can it occur,
What does the invisibility of wom...,
Why might the invisibility of wom...
16  cards
Controversy - Cultural Bias
What is cultural bias why does it...,
What are cross cultural studies w...,
Why might an etic approach lead t...
12  cards
Controversy - Non Human Animals
What is ethological psychology,
What is comparative psychology re...,
What was harry harlows research b...
13  cards
Controversy - Scientific Status
What s criteria is needed to be c...,
Why was loftus and palmers resear...,
What methods are used in traditio...
13  cards
Describe the characteristics of Schizophrenia
What are hallucinations what s a ...,
Schizophrenia is a form of what w...,
What are delusions
11  cards
Biological Explanations of schizophrenia
What does l dopa increase what di...,
What s the cause of schizophrenia...,
What do nerve pathways leave to w...
13  cards
Individual Differences Explanations of Schizophrenia
What is regression,
What is fixation,
What did freud argue regression i...
19  cards
Social Explanations of Schizophrenia
What s a catalyst for schizophren...,
What do social interactions send,
What s a form of double bind what...
12  cards
Methods of Modifying - schizophrenia
Until the 1950 s what was the onl...,
Who was chlorpromazine trialed on...,
How do typical antipsychotics work
28  cards
Characteristics of criminal investigation
What is crime defined as,
An example of whats no longer con...,
How many categories of crime are ...
4  cards
Biological explanations of criminal investigations
What 2 genes are linked to crimin...,
What did han brunner et al invest...,
What are epigenetics what do they...
17  cards
Individual explanations of criminal investigations
What did eysenck develop a theory...,
Whats extraversion hows it determ...,
What s neuroticism how is it dete...
16  cards
Social explanations for criminal investigations
What did edwin sutherland propose,
What do people vary in who do the...,
What did sutherland believe
16  cards
Methods of modifying for criminal investigations
What did the prison reform trust ...,
What s the short and long term ai...,
How is am often assessed how is a...
28  cards
Biological explanations
1  cards

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psychology unit 3!

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