This class was created by Brainscape user Georgia Read. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Deviation from Social Norms
What are social norms,
Some rules as part of a social no...,
People who violate such norms are...
13  cards
Statistical Infrequency
What is statistical infrequency,
What is regarded as statistically...,
What percentage of the population...
12  cards
Failure to function adequately
What is failure to function adequ...,
What is an example of failure to ...,
What are the seven features to as...
17  cards
Deviation from ideal mental health
What are the 6 characteristics ja...,
What is an example of deviation f...
11  cards
Characteristics of Phobias
What is a phobia,
What is anxiety,
What are phobias characterised by
15  cards
Behavioural Approach to Phobias
What is the behavioural approach,
What did mowrer propose,
How is a phobia acquired
28  cards
The behavioural approach to treating phobias
What is flooding,
What is first taught in flooding,
What happen after the patient is ...
24  cards
Characteristics of Depression
What is depression,
What is depression distinguished ...,
What criteria does the dsm criter...
16  cards
The Cognitive Approach to Explaining Depression
How does the cognitive explanatio...,
What does the cognitive approach ...,
What did ellis abc model propose
34  cards
The Cognitive Approach to Treating Depression
Cbt assists patients to identify ...,
Why does cbt seek changing irrati...,
Cbt involves what 2 elements
31  cards
Characteristics of OCD
What does ocd stand for,
What is ocd classed as,
When does ocd typically begin
22  cards
The Biological Explanation of OCD
How does the biological approach ...,
What are the 2 main biological ex...,
What is the genetic explanation
41  cards
The Biological Treatment of OCD
What is the main biological treat...,
What is the most common medicatio...,
What is the main purpose of ssri s
27  cards

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