This class was created by Brainscape user Peder Berggren. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Schmidt & Hunter (1998)
Gjort klart till och med första halvan av andra sidan.
46  cards
Vilka troskelvarden brukar anvand...,
Vad ar formeln for standardavvike...,
Hur manga procent brukar ligga in...
11  cards
Motiverande Samtal
Vilka fem faser genomgar patiente...,
Vilka fyra faser genomgar lakaren...,
Vad ar den forsta fragan man stal...
31  cards
Abnormal psychology
Define abnormal psychology,
When were mentally ill patients f...,
How was the treatment of mentally...
21  cards
Behavioral genetics
Define behavioral genetics,
Which prominent intellectual is s...,
Who wrote hereditary genius
21  cards
Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers
Why zebras don t get ulcers vad a...,
Why zebras don t get ulcers hur d...,
Why zebras don t get ulcers vem i...
23  cards
How is social psychology defined ...,
How has the relationship between ...,
How can one in broad terms descri...
8  cards
Vem var daniel wegner 1948 2013,
Vem skapade ironic process theory,
Vilken teori ar daniel wegner kan...
32  cards
Postlethwaite (2011)
Who was bennett postlethwaite s t...,
Of the more traditional theories ...,
How is gf commonly assessed
65  cards
Neurobiologi och fysiologi
How do schmidt and lee 2005 defin...,
Which three pieces of evidence fo...,
Describe william james 1890 theor...
14  cards
The false allure of group selection
What does stewart brand say has p...,
Why till research in microbial ec...,
Describe what karl popper and oth...
8  cards

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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