This class was created by Brainscape user Jen McGann. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Lecture 1: Livestock Handling
What hormone increases during str...,
What are the 4 main reasons for h...,
What is the effect of stress on p...
52  cards
Lecture 2: Small Ruminants: Breeds, behavior, Handling and Husbandry
What is the correct term for adul...,
What is the correct term for youn...,
What is the correct term for adul...
119  cards
Lecture 3: Camelids and Swine: breeds, behavior, handling and husbandry
What is the correct term for adul...,
What is the correct term for inta...,
What is correct term for castrate...
82  cards
Lecture 4: Farm Animal Identification
What two things do animals moving...,
What is the purpose of national i...,
What are the 4 forms of official ...
55  cards
Lecture 5: Introduction to herd Health
What is herd health management,
What are 2 preventative measures ...,
What are two basic strategies to ...
50  cards
Lecture 6: Beef Production Medicine
What are some advantages of beef,
What is the most important agricu...,
What is the cattle cycle
45  cards
Lecture 7: Dairy Production Medicine
What is grade a milk,
What is grade a class i milk,
What is grade a class ii milk
41  cards
Lecture 8: Swine Production Medicine
What is the most widely eaten mea...,
What are some useful by products ...,
What are the 5 different swine pr...
39  cards
Lecture 9: Ruminant Nutrition
What taxonomy are ruminants,
What order are ruminants,
What suborder are cows bison goat...
105  cards
Lecture 10: ruminal lactic acidosis case studies
What is a normal rumen ph,
What type of diet would cause rum...,
What can you conclude from this b...
18  cards
Lecture 11: livestock welfare and ethics
What are the nutritional standard...,
What are the environmental standa...,
What are some management standard...
12  cards
Lecture 12: Case 1: what pings where
What are the common diseases seen...,
What makes a ping sound,
What pings on the left side of a cow
10  cards

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pvm iii

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