py366 drug discovery

This class was created by Brainscape user samantha sami. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

What are opium alkaloids used for,
Give examples of opium alkaloids,
What is the activity of morphine
13  cards
Drug targets
What is a target,
What is meant by target validation,
What factors need to be considere...
24  cards
Bioassays in drug discovery
What are the main stages in drug ...,
Why are bioassays needed,
Define bioassay
24  cards
molecular biology
What is the central dogma,
What is molecular biology,
What is a genome
53  cards
Sources of new drugs
What is lead discovery,
What is lead generation,
What may be the disadvantages of ...
36  cards
Preformulation procedures for new drugs
What are the events in product de...,
What is the aim of a formulation ...,
What are the criteria for develop...
74  cards
The pharmacophore and stereochemistry
How does drug action occur,
When can bonding occur,
What is a pharmacophore
30  cards
Biopharmaceutical considerations in drug discovery
What are structure activity relat...,
What do structure property relati...,
Give examples of drugs which are ...
30  cards
Formulation of selected molecular types for various delivery routes
What is the difference between a ...,
What is involved in pre formulation,
What are transdermal drug deliver...
65  cards
Rational drug design
What is lead optimisation,
What is pharmacodynamics,
What does improved pharmacodynami...
62  cards
What is a prodrug,
Why are prodrugs needed,
What are the classifications of p...
12  cards
What is pharmaceutical equivelence,
Describe what occurred in the phe...,
Describe what occurred with levot...
23  cards
Product design strategies
What are the regulatory controls ...,
What steps are needed before deve...,
Outline the strategic planning ap...
30  cards
What is pharmacoeconomics,
Why is pharmacoeconomics used,
Why have healthcare costs increased
21  cards
What are viral protease inhibitors,
What are viral protease inhibitor...,
What are rna dependent rna polyme...
11  cards

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py366 drug discovery

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