r02 investment principles & risk

This class was created by Brainscape user Elizabeth Smyth. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

1 Cash investments & fixed-interest securities
What are the major cash deposit t...,
What are the risks of cash invest...,
How much cash does the fscs cover
125  cards
2 Equities, property & alternative investments
When shares are issued on the lon...,
Who regulates the process of floa...,
Is aim a primary or secondary market
136  cards
3 Macro-economic environment & its impact on asset classes
What is the balance of payments,
In the balance of payments what a...,
What are the components of the ba...
24  cards
4 Investment theory
What does capm stand for,
What is the fama french model,
What extra factors does fama fren...
15  cards
5 Time value of money
What is the basic formula for com...,
What are the key terms for the ti...,
What is the formula for effective...
11  cards
6 Nature & impact of main types of risk on investment performance
What is a bail in,
What is credit spread,
What is credit spread risk
3  cards
7 Indirect investments
Who classifies unit trusts oeics,
Where are the rules for unit trus...,
Trustees directors must ensure ma...
245  cards
8 Other indirect investments
What are the two types of life as...,
What does mvr stand for,
What is the aim of an mvr
182  cards
9 The investment advice process
What does cobs require regarding ...,
What are the components of the co...,
What is the first step of establi...
22  cards
10 Principles of investment planning
How is correlation expressed in a...,
What happens if you select assets...,
What are the two principle approa...
122  cards
11 The performance of investments
Past performance data is essentia...,
What does performance evaluation ...,
How is holding period return expr...
28  cards

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r02 investment principles & risk

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