This class was created by Brainscape user Sarah Wang. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

promoting equality and diversity
What is the nhs constitution for ...,
What is the first principle of th...,
What is the purpose of principle ...
24  cards
conflict resolution
Define conflict,
Give a list of reasons for conflict,
What are 2 types of assault
38  cards
Fire safety
What is fire,
What 3 elements are needed to mak...,
What are 2 common causes of fire ...
17  cards
health, safety and welfare
What does riddor stand for,
What is riddor,
Give some examples of incidents r...
18  cards
Data security awareness
Effective information management ...,
What sets regulations on the mini...,
What does ico stand for and what ...
72  cards
prevent radicalisation - basic prevent awareness
Define the different terror threa...,
Define terrorism,
Define radicalisation
17  cards
resuscitation level 1
Define cardiac arrest,
What does cpr stand for,
What are the key features of card...
35  cards
safeguarding adults
What are the 7 main aims of adult...,
What are the 6 key principles def...,
What does msp stand for
20  cards
What is dementia,
What are the progressive brain di...,
What is alzhemiers
154  cards
Autism as a condition was first d...,
What percentage of autistic peopl...,
Do more men or women have autism ...
33  cards
all positioning, exposures etc
Define extremity,
What is the 15 rule,
Whats the difference between a ca...
13  cards
hands, wrist and forearm
What are the 8 carpal bones and w...,
Find a diagram and label the carp...,
Name the 7 joints found in the ha...
31  cards
consent and clinical reasoning
What are the 3 components of consent,
What is the principle idea behind...,
What does voluntarily given mean
23  cards
clinical governance and risk management
What are the 6 fundamental elemen...,
What is the purpose of a trust ha...,
Why is education and training an ...
17  cards
shoulder, humerus and elbow
Find diagram and label all parts ...,
What are the 4 joints found in th...,
What type of joint is the glenn h...
40  cards
types of joints
What is a ball and socket joint f...,
What is a hinge joint functions s...,
What is a fixed joint functions s...
13  cards
chest and abdomen
What does cxr acs mi sob and sobo...,
What does sats ae af lvf ppm tavi...,
What does cabg ptx p tb pe cad ca...
62  cards
feet and ankles
Find a diagram and label the talu...,
What 5 bond landmarks can be foun...,
What should you see on a dp foot ...
19  cards
pelvis and femur
What are the 4 bones of the pelvis,
What are the 4 joints of the pelivs,
What type of joint is the sacroil...
32  cards
What 4 things does the vertebral ...,
How many vertebra are there in ad...,
Describe how the vertebral column...
48  cards
What 3 bones form the knee joint,
What are the 2 prominences found ...,
Femoral condyles are continuous s...
77  cards
knee pt 2
Find diagram and label all parts ...,
Why must the knee be internally r...
17  cards
intermediate chest, sternum and soft tissue neck
What does mi ap ptx tatt cabg ard...,
What does cvp sob soboe af pe lvf...,
What is the standard chest xray
31  cards
upper limb intermediate
Find and label a diagram of the h...,
2  cards
medicine management
What is the medicine act 1968,
What is the yellow card scheme,
Mhra is what
22  cards
infection prevention
Define microorganism microbe,
What are the 6 classification of ...,
Give examples of how microorganis...
17  cards
facial bones
Find and label anatomy of skull b...,
What are the 4 sinus found in the...,
Describe how the 4 sinus structur...
31  cards
dental radiography
What are the 3 parts of a tooth,
Describe the structure of a tooth...,
Which junction of the tooth is fo...
54  cards
dental pathology
What are 5 forms of dental pathology,
How do abscesses affect the mouth,
What is periodontal disease cause
6  cards

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rad 411

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