radio navigation

This class was created by Brainscape user Thomas Tolfts. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

01 Basic Radio Theory
What is the speed of sound in m s...,
What is the definition of 1 hz,
What are the following in hz khz ...
19  cards
02 VDF (VHF Directional Finding)
What frequency range does vdf ope...,
What are the different bearings p...,
What are the icao classifications...
3  cards
03 Non-Directional Beacons (NDB)
What frequency range does an ndb ...,
What is the ground and air parts ...,
What are to two types of ndb and ...
17  cards
04 VHF Omnidirectional Range (VOR)
What frequency range does vor ope...,
Describe the basic operation of a...,
Are the radial directions from a ...
22  cards
05 Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)
What frequency does a dem operate in,
Describe the general operating pr...,
What is the maximum capacity of p...
20  cards
06 Instrument Landing System (ILS)
What are the components of an ils,
What frequency range does an ils ...,
On an ils what does a localiser p...
23  cards
07 Microwave Landing System (MLS)
What is the principle of operatio...,
What happens to an mls if the ass...,
What is the azimuth coverage of a...
5  cards
08 Basic Radar Theory
What frequency do radars operate ...,
What determines the max unambiguo...,
What factors effect the range of ...
22  cards
09 Weather Radar
At what frequency does weather ra...,
Describe the two radiation patter...,
What is the approximate range of ...
16  cards
10 Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR)
What is the principle of operatio...,
What frequencies do the interroga...,
What advantages does ssr have ove...
18  cards
11 Area Navigation (RNAV)
What does rnav stand for,
What is area navigation rnav,
Describe a phantom waypoint
11  cards
15 Performance Based Navigation (PBN)
What are the key differences betw...,
With regards to an airspace conce...,
What are the key components of an...
37  cards
13 Satellite Navigation Systems
What are the key components of a ...,
What is the purpose of the ground...,
Approximately what frequencies do...
38  cards
12 FMS
What efis screen modes cannot dis...
1  cards
Radio Altimeter
What sort of antenna s does a rad...
1  cards

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radio navigation

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