radt 171: fundamentals ii

This class was created by Brainscape user Sydney Luella. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

What is radiation hormesis is thi...,
Roentgen is a measure of what,
Output of x ray systems usually s...
21  cards
Who is clarence dally why is he i...,
5 main parts of an image intensifier,
What does the input phosphor do
24  cards
homework review
Which of the following is essenti...,
1500 rems is equal to __________ sv,
Which of the following rem values...
60  cards
test 1 review
What is the customary equivalent ...,
The units used for occupational r...,
List of customary units
16  cards
scatter control
When you increase kvp you _______...,
When you increase field size you ...,
Increased anatomy part _________ ...
38  cards
radiographic technique
Three primary exposure factors,
Aec __________,
Questions about intensity and dis...
5  cards
test 2 review
In order to reduce patient exposu...,
As mas increases the quantity of ...,
How much change in kvp will chang...
37  cards
homework review 2
Once a predetermined amount of ra...,
The ionization chamber contains a...,
Which automatic exposure device w...
22  cards
Base layer of film provides _____...,
Emulsion layer in film ______ and...,
Intensifying screens of film __ l...
25  cards
digital systems
Film type radiograph,
Smallest component of the matrix ...,
Image displayed as a combination ...
55  cards
What does mimps stand for,
What does dicom stand for,
What does mpr do
7  cards
test 3 review
In film the most important layer ...,
True or false digital systems are...,
What component of the cr reader c...
20  cards
homework 6 review
At what stage does the process of...,
The front or tube side of radiogr...,
The greater the film speed the mo...
15  cards
homework 7 review
A combination of rows and columns...,
A method of describing the streng...,
An example of a scintillator used...
25  cards
homework 8 review
Pacs consists of which of the fol...,
A universally accepted standard f...,
A pacs uses a raid as its main
20  cards
homework 9 review
A post processing manipulation th...,
Additive disease processes that w...,
All of the following are guidelin...
15  cards
fauber questions: chapter 4, 5, and 9
Which of the following would impr...,
The type of ir that uses a psp to...,
What is used to extract the laten...
39  cards
carter questions ch. 2-10 (no ch. 8)
An image formed by recording a co...,
The arrangement of pixels in rows...,
The amount of tissue included in ...
80  cards
final review
0  cards

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radt 171: fundamentals ii

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