This class was created by Brainscape user Hizar Arif. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (76)

1.1.1 Christianity: Beliefs and Teachings
What does monotheistic mean,
Give three characteristics of god,
What does immanent mean
10  cards
1.1.2 Christianity: The concept of God as a Trinity of persons
What is the holy trinity,
State three christian beliefs abo...,
State two christian denominations...
5  cards
1.1.3 Biblical accounts of creation
How does god create in genesis 1,
How is the creations of human dif...,
Which passage in the bible descri...
6  cards
1.1.4 The role and purpose of human beings
What is original sin,
What is the fall,
What are adam and eves given role...
6  cards
1.1.5 different and divergent interpretations of the Genesis creation story
What is a myth,
When considering the accounts of ...,
Why do some christians believe th...
5  cards
1.1.6 The problem of evil and suffering and a loving and righteous God
What is natural evil,
What is moral evil,
Summarise the problem of evil
5  cards
1.1.7 Jesus Christ
What was the incarnation,
What does isaiah predict about je...,
What does messiah mean
5  cards
1.1.8 The role and importance of Jesus' teachings and life as an example for Christians
In matthew 22 what did god say wa...,
Who did jesus spend time with,
What do christians learn from jes...
5  cards
1.1.9 Christian love and beliefs about Jesus
What is agape love,
How does jesus demonstrate sacrif...,
Give an example of a miracle acco...
7  cards
1.1.11 The incarnation, resurrection and ascension
Describe what account in luke 1 2...,
State why christians believe it i...,
What do christians believe was th...
5  cards
1.1.12 The concept of salvation
What is atonement,
How did jesus provide an alternat...,
What is grace
5  cards
1.1.13 Eschatological beliefs
What is parousia,
State why the belief in the resur...,
Outline the different beliefs tha...
6  cards
1.2.1 Worship
State the difference between litu...,
Describe charismatic worship,
Give a reason why christians may ...
3  cards
1.2.2 Sacraments
What is a sacrament,
List two sacraments,
Give three reasons why eucharist ...
6  cards
1.2.3 Prayer
State three ways that congregatio...,
List the four different types of ...,
Describe what is meant by praying...
5  cards
1.1.10 The Christian ideal as expressed in Jesus' teaching in the sermon on the mount
State the 6 sections into which t...,
What do the beatitudes describe,
What makes jesus teachings on the...
7  cards
1.2.4 The role and importance of pilgrimage to Christians
What is a pilgrimage,
List three places that christians...,
What caused lourdes to become a p...
5  cards
1.2.5 The role and importance of celebrations to Christians
What is advent,
Give three reasons to why christm...,
What day starts holy week
6  cards
1.2.6 The role of the Church in the local community and living practices
What is the purpose of infant bap...,
What is the link between infant b...,
Name two denominations that pract...
15  cards
1.2.7 mission
What is meant by missio dei,
What two aims did the wcc identif...,
Name a christian organisation tha...
5  cards
1.2.8 The role of the church in the wider world
What is ecumenism,
What is the three areas the world...,
List three ecumenical communities
5  cards
2.1.1 Islam: Beliefs and Teachings
What are the 6 articles of faith ...,
What is the belief in these 6 art...,
What does usal ad din shia
4  cards
2.1.2 Tawhid
What is tawhid,
List three muslim beliefs about a...,
Give three ways that belief in ta...
5  cards
2.1.3 Belief in Imams
Who was the first caliph appointe...,
How many caliphs where there befo...,
Why do shi a muslims not recognis...
5  cards
2.1.4 Belief in divine justice
State the way in which allah alwa...,
What should humans use in order t...,
Give one reason that shi a muslim...
5  cards
2.1.5 Prophethood
What is risalah,
Name three rasul,
What are rasul chosen by allah to do
4  cards
2.1.6 The role and importance of Prophets
List five prophets from islam not...,
Which prophet was the khalifa,
Why was this role important
7  cards
2.1.7 Muhammad
Why is muhammad known as the seal...,
List some of muhammad s qualities...,
What happened on the night of power
10  cards
2.1.8 Kutub(books(
What does the angel command muham...,
What is unique about the qur an c...,
What other sources of authority a...
4  cards
2.1.9 Angels (malaikah)
Name three angels,
What are angels made from,
How are angels different from humans
5  cards
2.1.10 Eschatological beliefs and teachings
Which group of muslims taught tha...,
What do the mutalzilites teach ab...,
How do sunni beliefs on al qadr d...
4  cards
2.1.11 Life after death - Akhirah
Who will be the first person to b...,
What leads to a good judgement,
What is the impact of bad judgement
6  cards
2.2.1 Public acts of worship - Shahadah
What pillar of islam is shahadah,
List the two statements the shaha...,
Which muslims belief does the sha...
5  cards
2.2.2 Public acts of Worship - Salah
What is the five timings of the d...,
What is the adhan,
Why do muslims carry out wudu bef...
6  cards
2.2.3 Private acts of worship
What does du a mean,
State what du a prayer may include,
How do some muslims use prayer beads
4  cards
2.2.4 Zakah
What does zakah mean,
State what zakah is paid on,
What percentage of earnings above...
4  cards
2.2.5 Sawm
State what sawm commemorates,
In which month is sawm,
What does surah 2 187
5  cards
2.2.6 Hajj
List the four stages of hajj,
Describe tawaf,
State why the well of zamzam is s...
7  cards
2.2.7 Eid-ul-adha
State what eid ul adha is also kn...,
Outline what the festival remembers,
What is the bismallah
5  cards
2.2.8 Eid-ul-fitr
When does eid ul fitr begin,
State how long the festival lasts,
What is the imam s khutbah likely...
5  cards
2.2.9 Eid-ul-ghadeer
In what month do shi a muslims ce...,
State what is revealed in the ver...,
In his speech at ghadir khumm wha...
5  cards
2.2.10 Ashura
What two events are celebrated on...,
Whose death do shi a muslims reme...,
State how hussayn died
5  cards
2.2.11 Jihad
State what is meant by jihad,
Describe the difference between g...,
Summarise a quote from the qur an...
4  cards
3.1 The role and purpose of families
What model does the bible give fo...,
State what courses the church of ...,
What does exodus 20 12 teach chil...
3  cards
3.2 Marriage
In what way is a christian marria...,
Describe one way in which a catho...
5  cards
3.3 Other types of sexual relationships
What do the catholic church and t...,
Give a reason why some christian ...,
When did same sex marriages becom...
7  cards
3.4 Contreception
What is the difference between ar...,
What does the catholic church tea...,
Does the cofe agree or disagree w...
5  cards
3.5 When relationships end
Why does the catholic church not ...,
Give a bible quote that could be ...,
If a couple is having difficultie...
5  cards
3.6 Roles of Men and Women
What do christian complementarian...,
How is the christian egalitarian ...,
Which church leans more towards t...
6  cards
3.7 Equality
What do christians understand abo...,
What do christians believe about ...,
Outline why some christians choos...
3  cards
3.8 Gender prejudice and discrimination
What do egalitarians believe abou...,
Give a reason why complementarian...
3  cards
4.1 Christian understandings of God
What does unitarianism believe ab...,
How does the jehovahs witnesses b...,
In what way does god s relationsh...
6  cards
4.2 Christian beliefs and views on God as good
How is god creation described in ...,
How do christians believe make go...,
State how god is different to hum...
4  cards
4.3 God and Human suffering
What does augustine teach is the ...,
State the way in which adam and e...,
What is the purpose of suffering ...
5  cards
4.4 The design arguement
What two aspects of the natural w...,
State the analogy that william pa...,
Describe how tennant used evoluti...
3  cards
4.5 The first cause argument
State what aquinas observed about...,
What is another name for the firs...,
What do christians say is the fir...
4  cards
4.6 The moral argument
What did cardinal newman link our...,
State why kant taught that there ...,
In what way did hick link our lif...
5  cards
4.7 God revealed through the Bible
What is the word of god,
Outline how the word of god is de...,
State how the liberal view of the...
3  cards
4.8 God revealed through Jesus Christs
Who did god come to earth as,
What did god demonstrate by comin...,
How do christians come to know ab...
3  cards
4.9 God revealed through Miracles
Define miracle,
List three examples of miracles f...,
Outline what god reveals to human...
4  cards
4.10 God revealed through other people
List two ways that meeting an ins...,
Name a christian figure from hist...,
Outline how reading about revival...
3  cards
4.11 Forms of religious experience
What is the meanings of glossolal...,
State the effect that a mystical ...,
Describe why some christians reje...
7  cards
5.1 Violence
How does the relationship between...,
What does exodus 21 15 18 teach a...,
What causes some christians to be...
4  cards
5.2 Terrorism
State two beliefs that terrorists...,
State what mainstream christian c...,
What response does the church of ...
4  cards
5.3 Just war and holy war
What is just war,
List the three areas that this co...,
What are the three elements of a ...
6  cards
5.4 Christian Attitudes to warfare
What is the aim of the rules of war,
Give an example of a rule of war,
Give a reason why many christians...
4  cards
5.5 Pacifism and working for peace
What does isaiah 11 6 focus on,
What is pacifism,
How is matthew 5 44 used to suppo...
6  cards
5.6 Forgiveness and reconciliation
What does jesus teach people to d...,
Who should each individual seek f...,
What does paul teach christians t...
4  cards
5.7 Social Justice
State three benefits of a society...,
What is social injustice,
Describe the way in which christi...
4  cards
6.1 Christianity in Britain
In the uk who is state and defend...,
3  cards
6.2 religion in public life
What part of the house of lords i...,
What is the role of the bishops,
Give three examples of christian ...
5  cards
6.3 Secularisation
What is secularisation,
State two pieces of evidence whic...,
List three processes that occur i...
6  cards
6.5 Christian Attitudes towards each other and other groups
Whats the difference between excl...,
State why pluralists disagree wit...,
Describe what ecumenism tries to ...
6  cards
6.6 Inter-Faith Dialogue
Describe what is meant by inter f...,
What does inter faith dialogue ai...,
Give two examples of countries cl...
6  cards
6.7 Christianity and non-religious world views
What is the difference between ag...,
Describe what it is meant to be a...,
List shared values between christ...
3  cards
6.8 Potential areas of disagreement and difference between Christianity, Atheism, Agnosticism, Humanism and Secularism
State three christian values that...,
State an example of a privilege g...
2  cards

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