This class was created by Brainscape user Derek Marlor. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (31)

Overview of Renal Physiology
Describe in a single sentence the...,
We typically assume an average bo...,
State the volume of each of the m...
10  cards
Glomerular Filtration & Renal Blood Flow
T or f,
What are the 3 layers that filtra...,
Which 2 layers are primarily resp...
11  cards
Tubular Transport of NaCl and Water
Total excretion is determined by,
How many l of fluid may be excret...,
How much salt excreted in a singl...
19  cards
Kidney Micro anatomy
What general region of the kidney...,
The space labeled a is multiple c...,
The region encircled in yellow mu...
21  cards
Regulation of extracellular Na & H20
What is the normal range,
T or f losses of ecf sodium cause...,
You eat a big mac and fries for l...
10  cards
What 3 symptoms mental states are...,
What are the major risk factors f...,
T or f people on dialysis are jus...
10  cards
Intro to acute renal failure and clearance
What is the difference between in...,
T f the kidney is the primary reg...,
With the following variables what...
24  cards
Nephrotic syndrome
What are the functions of the fol...,
What is the difference between ne...,
Before we get into details list t...
16  cards
What is glomerulonephritis,
What is the histologic pattern of...,
What 4 cell types can be affected...
28  cards
Pathology of Nephritic Syndrome
Most of the tubules are in the __...,
Why is vasculature especially a b...,
The basement membrane forms the c...
23  cards
Nephrotic syndrome Pathology (different from above)
1 nephrotic syndrome is character...,
T or f bm does not separate endo ...,
What are some major complications...
22  cards
What does a basic urinalysis cons...,
T f the dipstick may be read manu...,
If necessary a microscopic analys...
17  cards
Pathophysiology of H20 Handling
Na is the main determinant of ser...,
Osmoregulation is achieved by cha...,
To drill that last point home whi...
23  cards
Pathophysiology of Sodium Handling
What is the most important factor...,
What are the two main body fluid ...,
T f freely permeable solutes like...
39  cards
Renal Regulation of ECF K+
What is the relationship between ...,
What is the role of catecholamine...,
Insulin and catecholamines are pa...
22  cards
Diseases of K+ regulation
What affect does insulin have on ...,
What effect do catecholamines hav...,
T or f gfr is a major player in p...
17  cards
How is hypertension defined what ...,
How many people have htn in the u...,
What is the lifetime risk of deve...
9  cards
Secondary causes of hypertension
In determining the cause of hyper...,
What are some causes of secondary...,
What causes high blood pressure i...
9  cards
Role of Kidneys in Acid/base Balance
What kind of acid is excreted by ...,
What is the bicarbonate buffering...,
What 3 functions does the kidney ...
14  cards
Acid/base Disorders
How do you create a proportionali...,
What are the four primary acid ba...,
Compensation is always in the ___...
26  cards
Diuretics and antihypertensives (2 hrs Pharma)
What percent of na is reabsorbed ...,
Where do acetazolamide and mannit...,
What do loop diuretics such as fu...
26  cards
Chronic Renal Disease
What is the definition of chronic...,
Describe the stages in the classi...,
What are the two most common caus...
22  cards
ESRD: Dialysis and Transplant (2 hrs)
While theres no specific gfr or b...,
List the aeious of recommended di...,
When does medicaire start coverin...
17  cards
Pharmacology Issues in Renal Failure
At what gfr do you need to begin ...,
For patients with ckd would you r...,
What is a maintenence dose
21  cards
UTI/Interstitial Disease
What are the two routes of infect...,
What are the sources of hematogen...,
What are some uro pathogenic viru...
22  cards
Tumors of Kidney & Urinary Tract
List the benign tumors of the kidney,
Why do they call it an angiomyoli...,
When a surgeon removes a renal ce...
27  cards
Bladder and Micturition
Describe the flow of urine from t...,
What are the 3 layers of the bladder,
In females from an anatomy standp...
12  cards
Development of Kidney
Watch this video its really simple,
What are the 3 sets of kidneys of...,
Where do the primitive kidneys co...
12  cards
Development And Cystic Diseases
What is hydronephrosis what is th...,
Ureteropelvic junction obstructio...,
Which is the most common renal ab...
18  cards
Pediatric Kidney & Urinary Tract
Define embryologic basis and clin...,
Define embryologic basis and clin...,
Define embryologic basis and clin...
17  cards
Histology of the Kidney
List the sequence of arteries fro...,
Describe the path of urine once i...,
Which arteries run parallel to th...
21  cards

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