This class was created by Brainscape user Shauneen Kiernan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Reproductive Physiology
Describe oogenesis,
What is the role of gnrh,
What is the role of fsh
10  cards
Maternal Complications
What is target bp in pregnancy,
What is pregnancy induced hyperte...,
What is pre eclampsia
53  cards
Fetal Complications
How common is multiple pregnancy,
Splitting of the embryo at 0 3 we...,
Splitting of the embroy at 3 8 we...
30  cards
Early Pregnancy Pathology
How common is hyperemesis gravidarum,
Describe the pathophysiology of h...,
What is the prognosis of hypereme...
57  cards
Gynaecological Malignancy
How common is ovarian cancer,
Where do ovarian tumours orginate...,
What is the most common type of o...
80  cards
What is the combined oral contrac...,
Describe the regime of the combin...,
What is the mode of action of the...
58  cards
Sexually Transmitted Infections
What organism causes chlamydia,
What type of bacteria is chlamydi...,
Give the male presentation of chl...
49  cards
Abnormal Labour
What is antepartum haemorrhage,
Give causes of antepartum haemorr...,
What is vasa praevia
81  cards
Normal Labour
What is labour,
How many weeks is term,
How long should labour typically ...
23  cards
Menstrual Disorders
What is endometriosis,
What is adenmyosis,
Describe the pathophysiology of e...
30  cards
Postpartum Complications
What is a postpartum haemorrhage,
Define secondary post partum haem...,
What are the causes of pph
24  cards
Non STI Genital Syndromes
What organisms can cause vulval v...,
Give predisposing factors for thrush,
How does thrush present
14  cards
What is infertility,
How common is infertility,
How soon do couples conceive
19  cards
Menopause and Amenorrhoea
What is menopause,
What is andropause,
What is the average age of menopa...
27  cards
What is prolapse,
Describe the pathophysiology of pop,
What is a urethrocele
43  cards
Antenatal Care and Screening
Describe the antenatal care timeline,
What is covered at routine antena...,
What bloods are done at booking
43  cards
Pelvic Pathology
What is ovarian torsion,
Give risk factors for ovarian tor...,
How does ovarian torsion present
13  cards
Breast Pathology
How common is breast cancer,
Give risk factors for breast cancer,
What genes are associated with br...
52  cards

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