This class was created by Brainscape user Barbora Buc. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

1. Introduction
What is the trend of family size ...,
What caused an increase in family...,
What is lactational amenorrhea
16  cards
2. Reproductive endocrinology
What are the different groups of ...,
What are the main reproductive ho...,
How are hydrophilic hormones tran...
29  cards
3. Sex steroids
What are sex steroids,
List sex steroid classes,
Do sex steroids only act on gonads
13  cards
4. Sex determination
Define sex determinqloiew lkjabqe...,
How many genes are in x y chromosome,
What determines the sex of the of...
29  cards
5. Ovarian follicle development
Define what is pgc,
Define what is oogonia,
Define oocyte
29  cards
6. Ovarian oocyte development
What are the main events in oocyt...,
What is the germinal vesicle,
What are the two indicators of oo...
37  cards
7. Male physiology
What are the main components of t...,
What is the function of testes,
Explain how spermatogenesis occurs
34  cards
8. Spermatogenesis
What are the main phases spermato...,
Differentiate between different s...,
Explain the first phase of sperma...
26  cards
9. Male endocrinology
Explain the components and player...,
Explain the sources of testostero...,
Which cell expresses lhcgr
30  cards
10. Fertilisation and early development
What are the mechanisms for sperm...,
What are the parts of oviduct and...,
Explain sperm selection in utj
36  cards
11. Implantation
Lecture learning outcomes,
What are the key stages in pregna...,
What is the free living phase of ...
24  cards
12. Placenta
What are the types of placenta be...,
Lecture learning outcomes,
How can a non pregnant uterus be ...
8  cards
13. Parturition
What controls the labour timing a...,
What are the complications of pre...,
What are the main components of l...
19  cards
14. Multiple pregnancies
Explain what are the types of mul...,
What is a multiple pregnancy,
Explain wha are the types of trip...
23  cards
15. Reproductive toxicology
What are the latest examples of c...,
What is the current trend of male...,
What are the recent trends concer...
28  cards
16. Parent offspring conflict
How does natural selection affect...,
Why are genes selfish,
What are the three phenomena to b...
21  cards
17. Prenatal testing
How to analyse qf pcr results,
Explain how robertsonian transloc...,
Explain what is comparitive genom...
9  cards
18. Fetal Development and Adaptation to Extra-Uterine Life
0  cards
19. Pregnancy and Immunology
0  cards
20. Puberty and menopause
0  cards
21. Endometriosis research
0  cards
22. Reproductive cancers
0  cards

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reproductive biology 3

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