rnsg theory lvl 4

This class was created by Brainscape user Michael Martinez. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Cystic Fibrosis
What is cystic fibrosis,
What are exocrine glands,
Cf the mucous is
42  cards
cystic fibrosis exam
Cystic fibrosis cf is a genetic d...,
Select the systems below that are...,
You re educating the parents of a...
14  cards
What is the best definition for v...,
What is a common factor for most ...,
How do unmet needs for satisfacti...
18  cards
Shaken Baby Syndrome
What is shaken baby syndrome,
What is the incidence of shaken b...,
What are the common clinical mani...
7  cards
Child Neglect, Abuse, & Bullying
What is the definition of child n...,
What are the different types of n...,
What are the causes of neglect
21  cards
What is the definition of rape,
Why are precise estimates of sexu...,
What is the epidemiology of femal...
17  cards
Elderly Abuse
Who is at highest risk for elder ...,
What are the clinical manifestati...,
What should be gathered by the nu...
5  cards
Workplace Violence
What effect does violence in heal...,
What is horizontal violence,
What can the nurse do to help pre...
4  cards
Personality Disorders
What is a personality disorder,
What are the criteria that need t...,
What are cluster a personality di...
34  cards
Crisis Intervention
What is a crisis,
What do outcomes of crisis depend on,
What is characteristic of maturat...
12  cards
Exam 1 B-Dump Fall 23'
Gas Exchange Anemia 3 Pulmonary emboli 5 Acid-Base 6 ARDS 3 RDS 2 Cystic Fibrosis 6 -- Cognition-25 questions TBI
47  cards
EXam 1 B-Dump Spring 23'
Schizo echochlia,
2 he fruity breath musty fetor he...,
3 cf pulmonary meds mucolytics br...
45  cards
Pernicious Anemia
How does intrinsic factor help th...,
What happens to the red blood cel...,
How low vitamin b 12 and low rbcs...
38  cards
Lab Quiz
1 you re assessing your patient s...,
2 a patient with liver failure ha...,
3 a patient s lipid panel results...
17  cards

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rnsg theory lvl 4

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