rules and regulations

This class was created by Brainscape user G 7. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: G 7

Decks in this class (11)

Professional Driving Policy
What should you speed be 200 mete...,
What precaution should you take w...,
How should you apply the brake in...
8  cards
Signing on and preparations for duty
Identify the late notice case,
Identify the new notice case,
Identify the permanent notice case
21  cards
Personal Track Safety
When are you permitted to go on o...,
What is the definition of on or n...,
When are you permitted to go on o...
30  cards
Dealing with train accident or Train evactuation M1
What immediate arrangements must ...,
What is the basic procedure when ...,
When would it be necessary to pla...
11  cards
Single Line Working P1
How can you identify a piotman,
What arrangements will the pilotm...,
How would you regard signals when...
17  cards
Managing Incidents, Floods and Snow.
What are the rules concerning sno...,
What must drivers do when snow is...,
What must drivers do during falli...
9  cards
Speeds SP
Where would you find a published ...,
What details would you expect to ...,
What indicator boards would you f...
35  cards
Shunting SS2
What must you and the shunter do ...,
What action must the drive take i...,
Demonstrate the following hand si...
7  cards
Module S1, S2, S3
Briefly describe the principle of...,
Describe the principle of track c...,
Describe the principle of permiss...
28  cards
Preparation and movement of trains TW1
What is the conductor driver resp...,
When carrying out preparation dut...,
When the train is in motion when ...
19  cards
Passing A Signal At Danger and TW7 Module
Who is permitted to give you auth...,
When would temporary block workin...,
Who must you advise that tbw is i...
12  cards

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rules and regulations

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