This class was created by Brainscape user Rupert Gittins. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Psychology-research methods
What are the different types of r...,
What can the different research m...,
What is an open questionnaire and...
39  cards
psychology - approaches
What is empiricism,
What is introspection,
What was wundt s belief about the...
44  cards
psychology- attachment
What is attachment,
How do children show they are att...,
What are the two infant carer int...
65  cards
What is memory,
What is a memory coding encoding,
What is the order of how a memory...
52  cards
psychology - social psychology
What is compliance,
What is identification,
What is internalization
19  cards
Supply comes from businesses sell...,
Demand comes from customers buyin...,
What are the three ways of measur...
108  cards
macro booklet 3
What is the fiscal policy,
What is monetary policy,
What is the supply side policy
10  cards
micro economics
What is scarcity,
What is an economic good,
What is a free good
123  cards
Mrs Berry
What is capacity utilization,
What is the formula for capacity ...,
What is the difference between le...
37  cards
Business - HR
Labour cost per unit formula,
Retention rates formula,
Labour turnover formula
66  cards
Business - Operations
What are a businesses operational...,
2  cards
Mr Scott-Walker
Primary production is,
Secondary production is,
Tertiary production is
12  cards
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth quotes
Macbeth act1 2 being described as...,
17  cards
Jekyll and Hyde quotes
The ___ which was equipped with n...,
Chapter 2 such ___ ___,
Chapter 3 a ___ well made ___ man...
16  cards
Lord of the flies quotes
___ like a crowd of ___,
___ me my ___,
___ are we ___ or___ or___
20  cards
english revision homework
The ___ were a ___ ___of ___ with...,
The ___ of the ___ ___ and cuttin...,
___like a ___ of ___
13  cards

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