This class was created by Brainscape user Banter Boy Woody. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (24)

Nicholas' Russia 1900
What were the rules decreed by th...,
What were police able to do from ...,
What proportion of children did n...
54  cards
Causes of 1905 Revolution
What were the main causes for the...,
What was the infamous jewish pogr...,
Where were jews forced to live in...
46  cards
Course of 1905 Revolution
When did bloody sunday take place...,
How many strikers were in st pete...,
By the end of january 1905 how ma...
35  cards
Placation of 1905 Revolution
What was set out in the october m...,
When did the most serious mutinie...,
How many of the 211 mutinies betw...
40  cards
The Duma Experiment
Into what two groups did the unio...,
What were the initial positive re...,
What were the initial negative re...
30  cards
Stolypin's Reforms
What was stolypin s famous quote ...,
What reform did stolypin introduc...,
What reform did stolypin introduc...
51  cards
Pre-War Stability
When was the lena goldfield s mas...,
Who did the official investigativ...,
How many strikers were there in 1...
35  cards
Russia at War
List several reasons for russia s...,
How did soldiers and civilians re...,
How did the duma show its support...
22  cards
Tsar's Demise
What were the long term causes of...,
What did the tsar prohibit at the...,
Which sex loving faith healer was...
47  cards
Dual Authority
Why is it misleading to call the ...,
Who was the provisional committee...,
What two proclamations did the pr...
31  cards
Bolshevik Seizure of Power
How much involvement did the bols...,
What evidence is there that the b...,
When did lenin arrive in petrogra...
52  cards
Initial Consolidation
Why was government administration...,
What political issue split bolshe...,
Why was the constituent assembly ...
53  cards
Civil War Victory
What were the overarching reasons...,
Why did komuch and omsk have to l...,
How did division between komuch a...
59  cards
Problems leading to NEP
What were the main features of wa...,
Wages were at what level in 1919 ...,
Why did the food crisis persist t...
39  cards
When was the nep announced,
What was lenin s justification fo...,
What was smychka how does it rela...
25  cards
Lenin's Role in the Consolidation of Power
What instrument of repression did...,
How did lenin give the bolsheviks...,
How did lenin deal with the ca
15  cards
Power Struggle
From left to right wing name the ...,
What characteristics of trotsky w...,
What was unfortunate for trotsky ...
31  cards
End of NEP and Start of Collectivisation
What was urban unemployment in 19...,
Were wages higher or lower than 1...,
When was rationing stopped for th...
40  cards
Evaluation of Collectivisation
How many kulak families were affe...,
How was the culture in villages a...,
How many farms were collectivised...
34  cards
Five Year Plans
What factors brought about the fi...,
Why were some elements of the fiv...,
When was the first five year plan...
19  cards
The Great Terror
When was the first chistka what p...,
When was the second chistka what ...,
When was the third chistka how ma...
28  cards
Reasons for Yezhovschina
How is stalin s role in the terro...,
How did the personality of stalin...,
What excuse did stalin use to rem...
30  cards
Stalin's Cult of Personality
What were the factors of stalin s...,
What was the descriptor for music...,
What was the title of a famous pi...
38  cards
Five Year Plans Evaluation
Name some key examples of giganto...,
What was the impact of the dniepr...,
How many enterprises were opened ...
53  cards

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